Latest fromWellington Region

Paul Holmes: Politicians' inaction on oil spill earns fail mark
Serious questions need to be asked about events which led to this week's misery and damage.

Wellington by night
Te Papa's Night at the Museum tours are a great way to start an evening exploring the capital's alternative nightlife. Carter Observatory, best reached via the Cable Car, is another engaging night time activity and until October 31, 2011, you can catch New Zealand's most famous kakapo at the Zealandia wildlife sanctuary.

Wellington: Avian star enchants after dark
For the first time in 200 years, New Zealand's unique giant parrots can be found in Wellington, writes Jim Eagles.

Serepisos: Dreams of a phoenix in the ashes
Bankrupt former football club owner Terry Serepisos always looked a million dollars but as Phil Taylor discovers, his real life was a lot more complicated.

Gareth Morgan's big tax idea
After motorbiking round the world and saving Happy Feet, economist Gareth Morgan wants to revolutionise our tax and welfare system. Andrew Laxon asks him why.

'Sex assault' victim jailed for bashing
A man who awoke to find he was being sexually assaulted has been jailed for a sustained....