Changes coming for tyre slashing streets
Wellington streets that became notorious for tyre slashings, could soon get parking changes.
Wellington streets that became notorious for tyre slashings, could soon get parking changes.
The news Annette King is quitting politics has been greeted by disappointment from the Rongotai electorate. King is stepping down
The last of the Reading Cinema car park building was brought down on Tuesday.
Airline pilots want to delay a planning hearing regarding extension on Wellington Airport's runway.
Stephen James Smith will be given third shot at freedom.
A surviving NZ stamp from the cancelled 1949 royal tour will be sold.
Porirua's mayor stresses the shooting incident "had nothing to do with Porirua".
Court of Appeal rules Wellington Airport safety areas need a second look.
Two US tourists thought they'd found the friendliest country in the world when they got talking to a woman at Wellington Airport - who happened to be Deputy PM.
The police union is hitting back against suggestions a Taser could have been used instead of a gun.
Wellington's top cop is backing the officer who fatally shot a 44-year-old man.
Police say they responded appropriately to the situation where a Wellington man was shot dead.
For every sanitary product bought by a company, another will be given to a high school for free.
Rider flown to Wellington Hospital after crashing on Karori mountainbiking track
An expert has weighed in on reports of a bright light shooting across the skies over New Zealand last night.
Some people posted on social media about seeing the sky light up, while others described the light as being green in colour.
Levin teenager Erin Buckland was stunned to meet and train with her Black Cap heroes in Wellington.
The alleged sexual assault occurred on the footpath outside the Taita shops on High St, police say.
Tisa the giraffe died after complications followed a health check.
Vicki Walsh hasn't allowed her terminal cancer to slow her down.
Jarryd Stoneman and his Kiwi nan Katie Thomas, 94, went viral in March last year when he asked her to dance.
Inexperience and a solo ascent contributed to a scuba diver's drowning death.
Today marks the 20th anniversary of one of Wellington Zoo's sun bears being rescued from Cambodia, where he was found chained outside
Owner of diver's deflated safety sausage found off Wellington's south coast contacts police.
Police are urging members of the public to report suspicious activity straight away after a would-be burglar escaped after he was disturbed in the process of breaking into a house.
Tiny spaces advocate George Clarke is in the country filming a series about how to make the most of the Kiwi DIY attitude in a limited space.
A man with a history of child sex offending and impersonating police officers is now likely to receive increased monitoring by the
The Chinese community in Wellington is devastated by the death of a missing elderly woman, after banding together for the search effort.