Wellington median house prices jump 27.7 per cent
Last month nearly 20 per cent of homes in the capital sold for $1 million or more.
Last month nearly 20 per cent of homes in the capital sold for $1 million or more.
The incident left a man in a serious condition.
Sam Morris, 27, was last seen on Monday February 8 in Upper Hutt.
Project would build up to 286 turbines at Castle Hill, southeast of Eketahuna, Wairarapa.
Police have now charged five people in connection with murder.
Councillor says residents have been "put through the wringer.'
KidsCan donates food, clothing, and health products to needy schoolchildren.
The fire occurred in Carterton occurred just after 1pm on Thursday.
Thousands of university students are 'gutted' at the loss of O-week events.
Sport in the sunshine draws crowds as Prada Cup finals get underway.
One of the men is in a serious condition in the ICU.
Road Transport Forum wants second Mt Vic tunnel and reliable mass transit routes.
Department store retailer last week confirmed it is closing its store in Wellington.
Messaging at the concert of the popular Kiwi band will be in English and te reo Māori.
People were taking pills without knowing there might be something else in them.
The use of any unattended watering system will be banned in and around Wellington.
Rawiri Waititi's defiance is an important and timely stand and is hugely symbolic.
Let's Get Wellington Moving has been found wanting in an internal review.
NZTA advised there would likely be delays along Petone Esplanade and on SH2.
A woman has been arrested and charged in relation to the killing of Rau Tongia.
'I can imagine he's probably going through hell right now,' Anna Chesterfield said.
From 9pm today there will be stop/go management in place at on SH58 at Pāuatahanui.
Site 9 is one of the last major commercial development sites on the city's waterfront.
Mayor Andy Foster says it's the most challenging budget he has ever seen.
The fire had claimed one shed but was now 80 per cent contained.
Witnesses put the fire down to campers 'doing a sloppy job' of putting their fire out.
No arrests have been made at this stage.
The future of the Airport Flyer bus is up for debate at a transport meeting this morning.
Jade Mark Harris has been charged over the hit and run in Taita.
Pet owners are asked to keep their dogs on a leash around Wellington's reserves.