Universities' domestic enrolment outstrips foreign student loss
Unis say they'll still suffer financially because foreign students pay much higher fees.
Unis say they'll still suffer financially because foreign students pay much higher fees.
Police say the boy wasn't injured but is understandably shaken by the incident.
Wairarapa want to lead the way on climate action in rural New Zealand.
Sexual assaults have skyrocketed in the Wellington Police District.
University pushes ahead with brand refresh, which opponents call a name change by stealth.
Council data shows nearly half of serious injuries involve someone on foot or on a bike.
Company director: "This is a dangerous spiral for any company to find itself in."
A video last week appeared to show an assault outside Boston on Blair nightclub.
Five are 'lead' roles, one 'managerial', one 'partner', and legal and comms advisors.
OPINION: It'll take decades for the city to recover from the damage the council is doing.
After multiple serious assaults in the past few weeks, the streets no longer feel safe.
Wellington residents are making the most of a broken pipe.
Police are investigating an alleged assault outside a Wellington nightclub last weekend.
Region was warned to expect strong, unpredictable currents after this morning's quakes.
A car collided with a laden truck on Lees Pakaraka Rd in Te Whiti yesterday afternoon.
It's taken the 62-year-old 30 years to conquer New Zealand's 100 Peaks Challenge.
Wellington City Council has finalised its budget for the next 10 years.
Bigamy - or marrying more than one person at a time - is an offence under the Crimes Act.
Regional Public Health has received reports of gastro at 11 early childhood centres.
Justin Bergman has pleaded guilty to Cup Day track invasion.
The CAA's principal medical officer denied being irrational and unobjective.
The track would be 1250m within the school grounds, connected to nearby farm and wetlands.
New footage shows what happened before 'brutal' attack that sparked outrage
Scramble to get Wellington's $6.4 billion transport plan out of troubled waters.
The decision comes after a chaotic seven-hour-long budget meeting.
One committee member breaks ranks to say she has lost confidence in David Bassett.
Andy Foster's proposal to re-litigate the central library has set off a nuclear reaction.
Graham Lindsay was labelled 'controlling' and 'manipulative' - but it's not clear why.
Niwa predicts a season of "variability" across the country this autumn.
A statement from the agriculture minister does not ring true for Wairarapa beekeepers.