Wainuioamata marae closed for the year to become Covid vaccine clinic
The Wainuioamata community has sacrificed its marae for the kaupapa of 'saving lives'.
The Wainuioamata community has sacrificed its marae for the kaupapa of 'saving lives'.
There are now just seven suburbs in Wellington with median house values less than $1m.
Five people have spoken out about alleged sexism, sexual harassment and bullying.
The NZ Geographic Board wants to consult on a name change for a central Wellington area.
Floodwaters in Canterbury have exceeded warnings "by a huge magnitude", Fed Farmers says.
Surrealist Art: Masterpieces from Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen begins on June 12.
Police are looking for information on two cars which may be linked to a fire yesterday.
The incident began yesterday around 11.45am near the Basin Reserve.
The journalist behind the story says there are strong opinions on both sides.
Police have arrested two youths in relation to an assault in Masterton yesterday.
'Whānau isn't just names on a paper, it's people, it's stories, it's smirks in a photo.'
Police were told an unidentified person approached a student on a bicycle in Waikanae.
The Tramways Union has sent two proposals to NZ Bus to settle the pay disputes.
Spades will hit the ground in the middle of the year - the start of a five-year project.
The partnership delivers new affordable housing for essential and key workers.
Council now considering a Community Housing Provider to solve financial problems.
This comes after allegations of misconduct at other media outlets.
Wellingtonians will have a great opportunity to catch the lunar eclipse tonight.
Let's Get Wellington Moving is facing a budget blowout and might not be delivered in full.
short-term and long-term improvements have been presented at a briefing.
The May 16 assault took place at 3.20am on Wakefield St, and caused moderate injuries.
$7.7 million has been proposed for city safety improvements in Wellington.
Health and safety is important to potters too. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Carparks converted to discourage taxis and ride-shares waiting at bus stops.
'It was horrific and tragic what I saw, and for at least half an hour I was just shocked.'
The offender entered Masterton Gull service station just before 9am armed with a knife.
A heavy rain warning is already in place for one area, and strong wind watches for others.
Family believe son's death four years ago was caused by the use of mechanical restraints.
A police spokesperson said there were early indications of minor injuries.
Over 17,500 tickets have already been sold for the first Wellington Phoenix home game.