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Auckland: Get your feet wet
Holly Jean Brooker cools down with the kids at Balmoral's new Splashpad.

Bay of Plenty: Time travelling through Tauranga
Danielle Wright takes her grandmother Dolina for a walk down memory lane at Yatton Park.

Tauranga: Wonderland walkabout
Tauranga combines art and nature's ingenuity in a festival that enthrals Donna McIntyre.

Hokianga: Timeless Rawene
Deep within the Hokianga is a quiet settlement adrift from the rat race, writes Hannah Sperber.

Running in the family
Instead of chasing after your kids all the time, Sarah Ell suggests joining them and getting fit and having a whole lot of fun in the process.

The best of the mysterious Hokianga
Be sure to check out these terrific spots next time you're up north.

Sleeping with the fishes
Elisabeth Easther bunked down at Kelly Tarlton's with two small fry in tow, and discovered a whole new meaning to the word 'seabed'.

Diwali: Festival of highlights
This year Diwali includes a wedding expo, music lessons and more, discovers Sarah Ell.

Four of the best river outings
If you're in a aquatic frame of mind, check out these great on-water excursions.

Auckland: City alive with history
Hidden under the streets we walk every day are tales of murder and mayhem, of geological upheaval and war. Dionne Christian sees what Heritage Festival has to offer.

Auckland: Transport heaven for small boys
Sarah Ell takes her crew on Ports of Auckland's fun and interesting free guided water tour.

Auckland: Popular mechanics
Elisabeth Easther and her son Theo took a sneak peek at Motat’s newest exhibit Welcome to the Machine, declaring it entertaining, educational and epic.

Recruit kids for war wander
War history combined history with a walk, some iPad technology, haunting black and white photography and some interesting real-life sights, suddenly becomes a lot more fun.

Cultivating kin
Primary production is a family affair for many farmers in the region, writes Sarah Ell.

Behind the myths
Two hours of fascinating and action-packed on-stage experiments are sure to bring out the little kid in everyone, writes Nicholas Jones.

Heavy pedalling in Hawkes Bay
Cycling adventures show off the country's most exhilarating views, discovers Ellie Mitchell.

These boots are made for walking
When you're sick of walking around the block or park with your kids, take them on a family tramping adventure and watch them come alive.

The parrot of my dreams
Elisabeth Easther followed her heart to Maungatautari in the hope that Sirocco, her kakapo friend, would recall their fleeting fling.

Auckland: Horsing around in Muriwai
There's more to the West Coast than gannets, finds Danielle Wright.