Latest fromWeekend magazine

Desperately seeking distraction
It's not often New Yorkers see a New Zealand theatre production before Aucklanders, but that's the case with All Your Wants and Needs Fulfilled Forever.

Get your costumes ready
From cosplay parades to steampunk balls, spring events offer cool chances to play dress-up, writes Dionne Christian.

Auckland's best suburban art
Hundreds of artworks adorn Auckland, highlighting our culture and diversity, finds Sarah Ell.

Flox's Asian inspiration (+watch)
Auckland artist Flox has spent three months in Taipei trying to find some walls to spray-paint. Asia is an untapped source of inspiration, she tells Linda Herrick

Going native in Birkenhead
Family ties to Fernglen enhance the pleasure of a stroll in its dappled light.

Best way to spend a Kiwi summer
Time to start planning her next beach holiday at Te Ngaere, says Sarah Ell.

Literature festival inspires kids
Embracing literature and inspiring kids across Auckland and Northland, the Storylines family days are coming to town.

T.J. McNamara: Feeling fine with flexible felt
Felt might seem an unlikely medium for sculpture but Peter Robinson has become devoted to it. His latest expression of its qualities can be seen at Hopkinson Mossman Gallery.

She wouldn't even harm a fly
Given how blood-soaked his production of Titus was, it should have been obvious theatre director Benjamin Henson is a splatter-film fan from way back.

Auckland: A nod to the past
Auckland is proud of its heritage, and the city is dotted with specialised museums, finds Sarah Ell.