South Island facing 'all the weather action'
Metservice warns "wind will be the main thing for them, very gusty".
Metservice warns "wind will be the main thing for them, very gusty".
MetService National weather: August 5th - 9th
For the second day running flights at Auckland Airport, and harbour ferries, are affected.
A windy day is in store for the South Island in particular.
A thick blanket of fog is limiting visibility in Auckland.
Auckland rush hour travel disrupted, flights, ferries affected. Video / Chris Keall
Aotearoa has just endured its wettest - and fourth-warmest - July ever, Niwa says.
A strong-to-gale northwest flow is over southern and central NZ.
The crew of the ISS video a clear path over New Zealand.
Residents may disagree but weather expert says deluge a 'mixed blessing' for region.
Icy blast brings season's best snowfall.
A wet and windy weekend ahead, MetService advises people to look out for a 'dry window'.
A 'freight train of low pressure' has helped deliver NZ one of its soggiest months ever.