Latest fromWeather

What is El Niño? What is La Niña?
A few little words that can have a big impact on New Zealand’s climate. Video / NIWA

Warning of Harbour Bridge speed cuts, motorists warned to expect rush hour delays as gales hit
MetService is warning there may be hail and thunderstorms as a wild weather hits.

Speed reduced, closures possible, on Harbour bridge as wild weather rolls in
MetService is warning there may be hail, severe winds and small tornadoes this evening

Freak storm churns up cruise chaos on Royal Caribbean ship
Footage showed guests being bowled over on the upper deck.

Here comes El Niño: How the next three months will feel different
Niwa's latest long-range outlook picks a cooler, drier flavour for much of NZ.

West Auckland home damaged by weather being demolished
A badly damaged West Auckland property that has been at risk of collapse for months is being demolished as its owners watch. Video / NZ Herald

Power outage in West Auckland after ‘huge explosion’ during electrical storm
Residents in West Auckland were woken up to a thunderous boom about 4.40am today after a sudden electrical storm over Blockhouse Bay. Video / John Morrison

Watch: Video footage captures lightning strikes before thunderous explosion
One local resident described the sound as 'an incredible thunderclap'.

Waipawa River Bridge structurally sound for repairs after huge washout
Damaged end of Waipawa River Bridge will be restored after it was knocked out by flood.

'First major winter storm': School holidays to usher in snow, gales and downpours
Niwa is warning Kiwis a 'polar jet stream' of Antarctic air mass is coming.

Over 20 slips after recent East Coast rain, two homes red-stickered
Two homes have red-stickered and evacuated, with more expected to come.

Rain relief: ‘It’ll be some of the best weather Hawke’s Bay can get’, MetService says
After a prolonged wet period, expect speckles of rain before the sun comes out again.

Weather: Cold, windy start to school holidays after mild early winter
Chilly weekend picked after unseasonable run of warm winter temperatures in June.

State highway pothole plague - the regions with the most revealed
Pothole plague: The quality of roading is 'leaving a lot to be desired'.

Brief respite in weather for Gisborne, severe gales to come for Auckland
MetService are warning even a small amount of rain could cause major damage.

'Dangerous conditions': Roads closed, water shortage as red warning hits Gisborne
The rain is expected to cause "dangerous conditions, significant flooding".

MetService Severe Weather: June 24th
MetService Severe Weather: June 24th Video / MetService

'If in doubt, move out': Te Karaka cut off as torrential rain hits Gisborne again
Civil Defence asks residents in low-lying areas not to wait for an official evacuation.

Sports fields closed after heavy rain
Residents are also warned of more heavy rain over the weekend.

‘The poor cousin’: Heightened angst in Wairoa after flood zone decision
A 2A classification is creating uncertainty around future living - as winter hits.

MetService Severe Weather: June 23rd
MetService Severe Weather: June 23rd. Video / Metservice

State of emergency: More heavy rain for Gisborne area
Civil Defence warns the weather will worsen Friday afternoon.

Local state of emergency for Tairāwhiti, residents evacuated, communities isolated
Gisborne was almost completely isolated by flooding and slips.

75 hours of rain: Local state of emergency for Tairāwhiti, 130 evacuated, all major roads closed, rivers rising
Prolonged heavy rain threatens to cause fresh slips and flooding across the North Island.

Weather: What Kiwis can expect from the coming El Niño
Kiwis could be feeling El Niño's influence by the end of winter. So what can we expect?

MetService Severe Weather: June 22nd
MetService Severe Weather: June 22nd. Video / Metservice