Thunderstorms, lightning, driving warnings. What's next?
No matter where you were in NZ last night, you would have experienced thunderstorms.
No matter where you were in NZ last night, you would have experienced thunderstorms.
Niwa projects much of NZ will endure temps that "feel" below 0 degrees tomorrow.
MetService Weather New Zealand: May 31st - June 2nd.
MetService Severe Weather Update: May 30th - June 2nd.
Treacherous roads and heavy South Island snow falls greet long weekend motorists.
If you can't wait until Monday to get outside, we've got a few tips.
A classic windy landing at Wellington International Airport has been caught on camera.
MetService Weather New Zealand: May 30th - June 1st.
Weekend big freeze like a weather hangover after months of warm temperatures.
MetService Severe Weather Update: May 30th - 31st
The US tied its record of 11 consecutive days with at least eight tornadoes each day.
MetService Severe Weather Update: May 29th - 31st
Enjoy warmer than average temperatures today and tomorrow because winter blast is coming.
We have a wintry blast coming our way - here's how to keep those littlies warm!
Expect Auckland temperatures to drop 10C by Saturday.
Rain and thunderstorms possible, MetService says.
Long-range forecast is for stormy, windy weather across most of the country.