MetService Wellington weather: February 18th
MetService Wellington weather: February 18th.
MetService Wellington weather: February 18th.
MetService Christchurch weather: February 18th.
More than the equivalent time of a flight to Los Angeles when their vessel finally docked.
High winds in the Marlborough Sounds prevents the Inter-Islander from docking. Video / Bronwyn Wood
The last scheduled day of current Covid-19 restrictions should see fine weather for most.
MetService Wellington weather: February 17th.
MetService National weather: February 16th - 18th.
MetService Christchurch weather: February 17th.
MetService National weather: February 15th - 17th
Heavy rain and strong winds created havoc this morning, with some schools closed.
While the rain will ease by Wednesday, the wind is set to remain "very strong".
Some much-needed rain is in store for the North Island in the coming days.
Sport in the sunshine draws crowds as Prada Cup finals get underway.
Prada Cup racing is back on in Auckland this weekend, but that's not all.
North-easterly winds expected to hit Saturday afternoon.
MetService Christchurch weather: February 12th
Four rural crews, two helicopters and 30 firefighters are now battling the blaze.
Warm air straight from the tropics will have you throwing off both blankets and sheets!
Summer-like weather set to linger into autumn in already-parched parts of NZ, Niwa says.
Temperatures to hit 31C in parts of the country today.
MetService National weather: February 5th - 7th