Two campervans hit by winds on Napier-Taupo highway, rider blown off bike
SH5 users called conditions on the road a "weather-bomb".
SH5 users called conditions on the road a "weather-bomb".
The Buller river is running at a 50-year flood level.
17 July 2021 Flood risk in the Buller and Inangahua Rivers has triggered warnings for people to evacuate to higher land. Video / Supplied
A severe wind warning has been issued as winds are expected to gust up to 140km/h.
MetService Auckland weather: July 17th. Video / MetService
MetService Christchurch weather: July 17th. Video / MetService
MetService Wellington weather: July 17th. Video / MetService
Rain has started lashing the south while wind is ramping up across the north.
MetService severe weather warning: 16th July.
Heavy flooding turned streams and streets into raging torrents, sweeping away cars.
Slips, floodings and possible thunderstorms for some parts of the South Island.
MetService National weather: July 15th - 17th. Video / MetService
Severe Weather surges over the country to end this week, and Severe Weather Warnings for both wind and rain cover much of New Zealand. Video / Metservice
MetService severe weather warning: 15th July. Video / MetService
MetService Wellington weather: July 15th. Video / MetService
Brrr - it's a cold and frosty start for most of the country tomorrow.
Weather warnings are in place for Northland.
Heavy rain and gale warnings are in place for the top half of New Zealand today.
Meteorologists closely watching for potential signs that La Niña may return this summer.
The staggering high of 54C is the hottest recorded temperature since 1913.
"Severe gales" expected for Northland and Auckland, snow for parts of the South.
MetService National weather: July 9th - 11th.
Another surge of gales and polar air is on its way.