Why I love the weather
It's 6:50am...my cellphone beeps.... it's a text message. "What's the weather going to be like today?".
It's 6:50am...my cellphone beeps.... it's a text message. "What's the weather going to be like today?".
I was watching a fascinating documentary the other day about Easter Island.
I can never work out why on One News the anchors say "Welcome back" after an ad break.
Ex tropical cyclone Rene will combine with a front in the Tasman Sea bringing mostly gloomy, humid, drizzly weather to the upper and western North Island for the rest of today.
The tropics have exploded into action with 3 major cyclones in just a week.
I mean it when I say I don't like being the bearer of bad news.
It doesn't take long at this time of year for the ground to quickly dry out after recent rain.
WeatherWatch analyst Philip Duncan puts readers' 10 most commonly asked climate change questions to Niwa's Dr James Renwick.
Summer has ground to a spectacular halt in a number of regions over the past week - is it going to get even worse?
Kiwis are under-informed when it comes to climate change, says weather blogger Philip Duncan.
Find out what the weather has in store for this Friday's Big Day Out music festival.
Weather analyst Philip Duncan responds to the volleys of vitriol he received after his blog about global warming yesterday.
Weather expert Philip Duncan notes the cold snap embracing the northern hemisphere is making life tough on 'global warming' promoters.
When I hear the word "crisis" I immediately envisage people with arms out desperately calling for help.
Well the weather outside is certainly not looking frightful this Christmas with NZ's Christmas Day forecast looking more and more positive for most people.
A hot few days are on the way for New Zealand, especially for those in the east of the country and the Far North.
Was it just me or did the lady who was crying about her island going under water because of global warming seem fake?