Comment: Govt's freshwater policy is latest jab at farmers
Whanganui MP Harete Hipango says freshwater policy is a jab at farmers.
Whanganui MP Harete Hipango says freshwater policy is a jab at farmers.
In STV each voter's treated differently, and many fail to elect or help elect a candidate.
Don't give up on voting in the council election because all the hot air from candidates.
COMMENT: By clinging to hope people become deluded that things might change.
Too many projects have been poorly conceived, poorly designed and poorly managed.
Kiwis know they're being fleeced and that the Government allows that fleecing.
Comment: Oils combined with THC or nicotine at high temperature are believed responsible.
The open waters of Cook Strait beckoned. What could possibly go wrong?
COMMENT: Finally long-delayed "action plan for freshwater" discussion document has arrived
It's local election time and columnist Jay Kuten discusses the important issues
Russell Bell dishes out advice on small business matters.
Between the developed and developing worlds we have two different population problems
Somewhere down the track people will ask what you did about climate change.
Commentator Frank Greenall's take on the local body elections.
Rangitikei MP Ian McKelvie checks in from out in the field.
So far, the 350 people hospitalised with measles have cost taxpayers more than $800,000.
COMMENT: Gripe about my dream car and I'll rip the Velcro off your Tevas.
The whole of human history will undertake a violent swerve. -- L.E. Fitton
Why is the New Zealand Government getting embroiled in this pitiful debate?
Who'd vote for candidates who can't read English or who try to sidestep regulations?
The numbers show how grossly sub-par HRC is when compared with other councils around NZ.
Multi-storey timber buildings have already been erected in London and Australia.
I'm beginning to understand how Humpty Dumpty felt, and he wasn't even in a car.
There are a number of arguments in favour of allowing inmates to vote.
Our agriculture sector stand accused of being climate and environmental villains.
Non-alphabetical listing of candidates' names on ballot papers could be a game-changer.
COMMENT: Years have been spent ignoring fact Fonterra was heading toward the rocks.
Around one third of government bonds are now offered with negative interest rates.
Among ways we can make a difference to our environment and the world is to plant a tree
Will a tree or two in the garden really make a difference, particularly in town? Yes.