Letters: Satire galling to Christians
The cartoon would be deemed offensive by tens of thousands of New Zealand Christians.
The cartoon would be deemed offensive by tens of thousands of New Zealand Christians.
Next time you eat mussels or raw oysters, think of the dire fate that may befall you.
Growing, preserving and storing our own food takes time and energy but can be satisfying.
A NZ survey showed nearly half of new secondary teachers quit teaching within five years.
The St Hill St debacle is a damning sign of council mismanagement and incompetence.
COMMENT: This isn't really a column about my dead cat, though it might appear that way.
The jury's input is limited to a "guilty" or "not guilty" verdict voiced by its foreperson
It was a nice change to have more than one or two of us in the public gallery.
COMMENT: My bubble was burst. Eco-confidence? Shattered! But after a few small steps ...
Wake up, people. There's a reason NZ has one of the highest skin cancer rates in the world
The problem is that current roading access from the city to Castlecliff is very poor.
COMMENT: Species extinction and extreme weather are only going to get worse.
Public transport should provide a genuine alternative for motorists.
Children must keep the pressure on, through more strikes if necessary,writes John Milnes.
We have an ageing population, and a good bus service is essential.
Three children are dead so far in New Zealand this year as a result of domestic violence
And that little cherub just had to pash the brains out of some dodgy kid in the driveway.
Adherents of the faith believe in the supernatural but seem to struggle with criminal law.
Traditional white Aussies came unprepared for multi-culturalism. Some really don't like it
Love for one another and truthfulness are things we should all aspire to.
There is a difference between sensible precaution and fear-driven acceptance of censorship
'I spent four hours sitting in a shed in Hagley Park surrounded by uncertainty and fear.'
Two police officers who stopped Christchurch shooter typify our unsung first responders.
Let us accept each other for our differences of faith, politics, colour, and beliefs.
There are amazing handymen whose services make life easier for those who are not handy.
Australians have facilitated the election of some people with extreme and divisive views.
We need to understand our 'dark side' if we are to combat family violence
COMMENT: Whatever Govt decides, I am fully prepared to relinquish my semi-automatics.
Who remembers what comes from intolerance, racism, xenophobia, and violence?
A better solution could be found to give the few in our community who need it transport.