Latest fromWater
Ship continues Sir Peter Blake's ocean work
A two-and-a-half year expedition by the ship on which Sir Peter Blake was murdered continues his work under the oceans.
Iwi: Consultation too short
The Government's water rights consultation hui is not robust or long enough, according to Ngati Maniapoto leaders.
Debate: Who owns the water?
The Maori King and the Prime Minister drew the battle lines, with the former saying "Maori'' and the latter saying "No One''. Today, two legal academics explore the deep currents that lie beneath each claim.
Boycott: PM not worried
Prime Minister John Key is unconcerned with reports iwi will boycott the first "shares plus" hui today, saying they are "more than welcome" to choose not to attend.
Editorial: Good faith key to resolving water dispute
Today the Government meets with Tainui to start negotiations over the partial privatisation of Mighty River. Iwi interests can still be served without the unfair 'shares plus' scheme.
Editorial: Judge's refreshing ruling
A scathing judgment backing Niwa represents a damning of climate sceptics' crusade.
Fran O'Sullivan: Who owns what: for an answer, start here
How the PM might respond to the Maori King's water-rights claim.
Poacher threatens to stab officer
A man caught poaching trout in Rotorua threatened to stab an officer from Fish & Game, which says it is concerned by dangerous behaviour and threats from poachers.
Hauraki Gulf: Planning for the future
As valuable to marine life as it is prized by humans, the Hauraki Gulf is in decline. Though solutions seem as elusive as the gulf's fish stocks, a groundswell is building for collaboration.
Watercare ready for Auckland's infrastructure needs
Plans are in action to meet the needs of our population growth, writes Tony Garnier.