Latest fromWater Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Services

‘Everyone expects better’: Water probe reveals serious failings
Wellington Water needs $37.5m to fix outdated IT systems over three years.

‘Really bad’: Water woes threaten tourism in Far North
Threatened Level 4 restrictions would limit water use to essentials like cooking.

‘Taste and smell issues’: Town water trucked in twice weekly
The tap water in Marton is adversely affected by bacteria and fungi in the local soil.

Sweetwater Aquifer getting water into Kaitāia homes soon – council
After two false starts, water from Sweetwater Aquifer is set to flow into Kaitāia homes.

Highest CEO payout triggered by change in Government: $532,500
Water services boss Jon Lamonte pocketed a half-million-dollar payout when Govt changed.

'Pathetic' sewerage system poorly designed from the start: Drainlayer
Coastal residents despair as sewage continues to spill into picturesque bay.

'Beaver-like dam' sewer blockage fix costs $50,000
The 'inexcusable' sewer pipe blockage was located 150m from Stout St down to Oak St.

Kiwi woman wins 'World's Ugliest Lawn' award
A Canterbury woman wins 'World's Ugliest Lawn' for water conservation.

Sinkhole opens in wealthy Auckland street
It's believed a chasm of up to 2sq m lies underneath the ruptured road.

'Culturally unacceptable': Wairoa fights to ban blood, mortuary waste in waterways
Mayor says new system will be costly but blood, mortuary waste should not go in the river.

'Everyone's had a guts-full': Dargaville residents rail against water rules
Residents blame Kaipara District Council inaction on water supply for summer restrictions.

Gisborne unveils water filter unit especially designed for the isolated region
The portable water unit can supply fresh water in mass during severe weather events.

City considers installing fluoride-free water tap at the border
Supplying unfluoridated water to Tauranga locals will be discussed at a meeting on Monday.

‘At this rate, we will reach capacity’: Water-restriction head-scratcher in Napier and Hastings
'We have a culture of believing the aquifer is limitless,' Napier Mayor Kirsten Wise says.

Kaitāia’s Sweetwaters Aquifer project held up by abatement notice
The Environmental Protection Agency stops work on the Far North water supply project.

Steve Taylor on the increased levels of arsenic reported in the Waikato River
Water Services Authority head of operations Steve Taylor speaks about the reports of increased levels of arsenic in the Waikato River which feeds into water supplies.

Urgent testing under way after elevated levels of arsenic found in Akl's water supply
Arsenic is a substance found in rock that can be deadly if consumed in large amounts.

'Grabbing his shotgun': Council granted injunction after threats, abuse reported
Local Democracy Reporting obtained the decision through the court.

'If it's yellow, let it mellow': Advice as water restrictions arrive in Hawke's Bay
Councils have imposed restrictions to help conserve water due to dry weather.

'Scandalous': Former TV host questions $29m Rotorua lake sewerage scheme claims
The council apologised for inaccurate information and explained its analysis.

Sewerage scheme dispute: Fence comes down at tapu lake
Members of the local iwi say they will continue to fight.