Latest FromWater Sports

Kiwi kayaker takes on Iceland waterfalls - Part 3

Kiwi kayaker takes on Iceland waterfalls - Part 3

Aldeyjarfoss is Iceland's most famous waterfall in kayaking circles, and for a few years was held in the Guinness World Record for the highest free-fall in a kayak. It has only been paddled by a handful of kayakers and is renowned for dishing out serious beatings including broken bones. Source: Red Bull/Youtube

Kiwi kayaker takes on Iceland waterfalls - Part 2

Kiwi kayaker takes on Iceland waterfalls - Part 2

Ben and Anton adventure through more of the Icelandic wilderness in search of more perfect waterfalls. They settle on Godafoss. Godafoss translates to ‘Waterfall of the Gods’. It got its name during early Christian times in Iceland when Norse deities were thrown into the falls in an effort to establish Christianity as the sole religion of the country. These days it is a tourist hot spot and one of the most famous waterfalls in Iceland. There are several lines to run on Godafoss due to its horseshoe shape and we ran it multiple times. It varies in height from 10 - 14 meters tall and no matter what time of the day you run it you will have a huge crowd of tourists cheering you on. Source: Red Bull/youtube

Kiwi kayaker takes on Iceland waterfalls - Part 1

Kiwi kayaker takes on Iceland waterfalls - Part 1

Kayaker Ben Brown and Anton Immler head over to the Kayaking mecca of Iceland to explore some of the natural wonders and pick off some classic waterfalls along the way. Ben's first stop was the waterfall Thjofafoss which translates to the ‘Waterfall of Thieves’ - it got its name form Pagan times when thieves were drowned in the waterfall for their crimes. It is approximately 14 meters tall and is more impressive for its volume rather than its height. Source: Red Bull/YouTube

Windsurfing Tasmania's deadliest wave

Windsurfing Tasmania's deadliest wave

Pedra Branca has been known for years as a tow-in spot for only the most fearless surfers, and unpredictable winds have kept windsurfers ashore...until now. Watch as Alastair McLeod becomes the first windsurfer to ride the ultra-remote slab Pedra Branca, a wave that makes even the most seasoned big wave chargers shake in their wetsuit. Source: Red Bull/YouTube

One year to Rio: Polly Powrie

One year to Rio: Polly Powrie

Standing atop an Olympic podium should have been confirmation for Kiwi sailors Jo Aleh and Polly Powrie that they had it all figured out. But for the pair collectively known as "Team Jolly", gold wasn't enough.