Consultation recommended for Whanganui to Bulls median barrier plan
$6 million assigned to start $100m project before the end of the 2023/24 financial year.
$6 million assigned to start $100m project before the end of the 2023/24 financial year.
The crashes are about 400 metres apart.
One witness says the scene in Shannon this week was difficult to comprehend.
Transport agency slammed by tenancy tribunal for renting out sub-standard home to family.
The road is now one of NZ's most expensive - the Govt says it remains committed.
Waka Kotahi said the truck rolled about 4.10pm between Oteha Valley Rd and Silverdale.
Te Huia singled out but Waka Kotahi knew of 8 other passenger trains that ran red lights.
OPINION: National's promised to kill it and the Government has announced its own changes.
Police responded to the crash on State Highway 3 near Troopers Road, Te Mapara at 3.45pm.
The changes cannot yet be considered for Transmission Gully as the road is not finished.
The cost and priority of various transport projects will clearly be an election issue.
One study has suggested a price of $3.50 to drive into central Auckland during the peak.
According to Google Maps, traffic is backed up for more than 11km.
The road has now reopened in both directions via one lane.
'We just need the weather to dry things out a bit and then we’ll be into the sealing.'
News snippets from Northland and the surrounds.
National has also promised to build a Northwestern Busway, starting in 4-10 years.
Police had out-of-date contact details for some of the people involved.
The pig is looking to put his life on the run behind him.
Amelia Linzey on her planned legacy, biggest project, and the one she's worked on longest.
The first of two restored Ohakune bridges opens on Friday, August 11.
National is a fan of PPPs and has big plans for new ones if it gets elected.
The project has proved hugely challenging.
Drivers and locals are calling for action on SH1 at Bulli Point, but are they being heard?
Waka Kotahi issues new warning for drivers to be cautious.
Police looking for driver who fled after causing crash on State Highway.
The roadworks are part of a project to build a permanent roundabout at the intersection.
National's transport spokesman has called the harbour light rail plans a "fantasy".