Latest fromWaitangi

Tax would pull iwi out of 'depressed state'
A Ngapuhi leader is calling for a nine per cent economic development tax to be levied on everyone living inside the iwi's boundary.

Ngapuhi pushes for 'tribal tax'
Northland Maori want a special economic development tax as part of their Treaty settlement.

'No room for separatism in NZ,' says John Key
In defensive mode over National's Maori policy agenda, John Key says separatism has no place in New Zealand.

Tsunami threat: Warning stays in place for entire east coast
New Zealand east coastal areas aren't out of the woods yet, with Civil Defence authorities and scientists electing keep the tsunami warning in place.

Evacuation warnings as tsunami wave hits Chatham Islands
The first wave has reached the Chatham Islands, after a massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake hit Chile overnight. An official tsunami alert remains in place for New Zealand's entire east coast.

Put foreshore under Maori control - Harawira
Maori Party MP Hone Hawawira says the solution to the Foreshore and Seabed Act would be to put the foreshore and seabed under Maori control.

PM looks for Foreshore and Seabed solutions
Prime Minister John Key today said only one or two iwi stand between a breakthrough on the Foreshore and Seabed issue.

Nationhood, togetherness the Waitangi messages
Nationhood and togetherness were the key messages at a dawn service at the Treaty Grounds today.

Prime Minister's Waitangi Day speech
The full text of Prime Minister John Key's Waitangi Day 2010 speech.

Cash demanded for Waitangi coverage
Media are being asked to cough up cash to cover Waitangi Day celebrations, with a Ngapuhi elder asking reporters and cameramen to hand over hundreds of dollars.

Maori flag copyright not about money - designer
The woman who designed the Tino Rangatiratanga flag disputes accusations that the family of embattled Maori Party MP Hone Harawira are "cashing in" on the flag.

Iwi to discuss seabed law with Key at Waitangi
Iwi leaders from around the country will meet with the Prime Minister to discuss issues including foreshore and seabed legislation and water ownership.

<i>Editorial:</i> Flag change need not cause rancour
New Zealand's flag says virtually nothing about how this country sees itself today and how it wishes to be seen.

Harawira's family aimed to cash in on flag - report
Maori Party MP Hone Harawira's family reportedly planned to make money from the Govt's decision to allow the tino rangitiritanga flag to be flown on government buildings on Waitangi Day.

Hottest days of summer set to hit NZ
An anticyclone moving slowly over NZ is likely to bring the hottest days of summer yet, MetService spokesman Bob McDavitt says.

New name for Ninety Mile Beach possible under Treaty deal
Famous stretch of coastline in the Far North could be renamed under a tentative Treaty of Waitangi deal.