The value of financial assets owned by 10 big post-settlement iwi
Asset returns decreased and half the iwi reported financial losses.
Asset returns decreased and half the iwi reported financial losses.
'I would caution our new Prime Minister to be extremely careful.'
New Zealand recorded its hottest day in over three years yesterday, almost reaching 37C.
OPINION: The PM failed to rise to an historic occasion at Waitangi yesterday.
Māori designer Vincent Egan created the Google Doodle.
Local Government NZ was singing a different tune to the coalition at Waitangi.
The Waikato marks the historic day with a number of community events.
White flags were waving this morning as a sign of a new blank canvas.
OPINION: We all want our country to thrive.
Wrap of events in Tauranga and Katikati for Waitangi Day.
Fenz: Don't be the person who ignores advice and starts a wildfire.
OPINION: It is worthwhile to investigate common Treaty misconceptions.
OPINION: Waitangi weekend is a good time to reflect on respect for each other.
Fighting talk was the order of the day at Waitangi on Saturday.
The opposition parties were welcomed today onto the Treaty grounds at Waitangi. Watch excerpts of speeches by James Shaw and Chris Hipkins. Video / NZ Herald
Wāhine leaders have been welcomed onto the Waitangi Treaty Grounds this morning.
Riders are expected to join the annual hīkoi on the final leg.
'The flags being waved this Waitangi don’t mean any harm, we protest in peace'.
OPINION: Te Pāti Māori outline the Treaty obligations.
Meanwhile, the Green Party's James Shaw said he will resign as co-leader.
Waitangi Tribunal members and claimants are meeting on Tuesday in Waitangi.
Opinion: The PM heads to Waitangi this weekend needing to take charge of the race debate.
Opinion: I'm heading to Waitangi to protest with Tame Iti.
Waitangi Day, Chinese New Year, cyclone devastation, and the Art Deco Festival returns.
They could expect 'a verbal lashing' if they tried it again.
Waitangi Day's about unity in diversity.
OPINION: Act's decision to redefine the Treaty is likely to dominate Waitangi Day events.
Organisers expect this hīkoi will be large and loud to protect the Treaty of Waitangi.
Holidaymakers encouraged to get in quick if wanting to camp in Northland later this month.