Key waits on 'Granny-gate'
It was, as a highly amused Shane Jones observed, the year that will go down as "Granny-gate".
It was, as a highly amused Shane Jones observed, the year that will go down as "Granny-gate".
Kaumatua at Te Tii Marae have been accused of being "women bashers'' after a stand-off over who would be the PM's escort this morning.
United Future leader Peter Dunne has released a video that calls for a rethink by New Zealand on Waitangi day, as says it has "been hijacked by fringe activities by the lunatics at Waitangi".
David Shearer hopes to make Waitangi Day a day of celebrations rather than angst by moving the New Years' Honours to that day and issuing a ream of awards.
Ngapuhi kuia Titewhai Harawira and Ani Taurua are both vowing to bring the Prime Minister on to Te Tii Marae today at Waitangi.
The Waitangi Tribunal has recommended a settlement package for Far North iwi Ngati Kahu totalling $42.518 million.
Ngapuhi leader David Rankin says there will be "total chaos" at Waitangi if Titewhai Harawira "tries to bully her way in as she has in the past".
It is a sad day when a great writer repeats the prejudices of the past. The latest offering from Paul Holmes regarding Waitangi Day
Paul Holmes' column in Saturday's Weekend Herald was a nasty article from...
"Monday-ising" Waitangi and Anzac days would "cheapen" them...