Latest fromWaiheke Island

Waiheke maverick enjoys Prada prank
What do two Russian academics, a maverick Kiwi businessman, a London watering hole and a champagne-splattered napkin equal?

Waiheke ferry passengers left behind
With holiday hotspot Waiheke experiencing a massive tourist surge, some tourists were left behind on the Auckland wharf today.

Second Waiheke ferry claims share of funding
Competition between the Waiheke Island ferries is getting hotter, operator Explore claims it wins Government funding for free travel for pensioners.

Waiheke victim 'remembered for his humour'
The man who died in a tractor accident on Waiheke Island last Sunday was a dearly loved partner, brother, godfather, son, and uncle.

Visitors encouraged to walk Waiheke
Visitors attracted to Waiheke Island for beaches, vineyard tours and restaurants are being urged to bring their walking shoes.

30ft yacht crashes onto rocks
Two people on board suffered cuts and bruises after boat slams into Waiheke Island coastline.

Waiheke: Clip-clopping island-style
Long faces are nowhere to be seen when trekking on Waiheke, discovers Pamela Wade.

Winston Aldworth: Island praise well deserved
Waiheke - The jewel of the Hauraki Gulf has been named as one of the world's best regions in Lonely Planet's Best in Travel 2016, the publisher's annual summary of the travel trends for the upcoming year.

Fullers to spend $16m on new ferries
Fullers is investing $16 million to add two additional vessels to the Waiheke to Auckland route.

Body found on Waiheke Island
Auckland City Police have launched an investigation this afternoon after a member of the public made the discovery while walking near bush.

New claims in Ellis feud
Jazz singer Briar Ross has upped the tempo in her long-running Waiheke property dispute with entrepreneur and former All Black Marc Ellis.

'Dearly loved' jetski victim to be farewelled
Mervin de Rozario will be farewelled tomorrow after his body was found in the water near Waiheke Island at the weekend.

Body found floating in water near Waiheke
Police have located a body floating in the water between Waiheke and Motuihe Islands.

Auckland: A nod to the past
Auckland is proud of its heritage, and the city is dotted with specialised museums, finds Sarah Ell.

Waiheke Island: Long and trundling road
Donna McIntyre masters the geek chic Segway for a fun spin around Waiheke Island.

Crafty houses win top awards
A stunning new multi-million dollar house on Waiheke Island and a two-year Albany renovation have taken out the titles of Auckland's finest builds.

Stranger handed key
A Waiheke Island real estate agent has been faulted for giving a stranger keys to a holiday bach he was selling, without the property owner's knowledge.

Charges in Marc Ellis driveway feud
Former All Black Marc Ellis’ neighbour has been charged after allegedly tearing down a wall and having rubble dumped on his Waiheke driveway.

Police investigate Ellis driveway feud
Police have visited the Waiheke Island property of Marc Ellis this morning to take photos of rubble dumped on his driveway by a neighbour.

Boy in hospital after swallowing coin
A young boy was flown to Starship Hospital after swallowing a one dollar coin.

Extension of Waiheke SuperGold Card scheme tabled
A petition asking for the SuperGold Card scheme to be extended to Explore ferries to Waiheke has been tabled in Parliament.

Man injured by falling hammer
A man has been taken to hospital after a hammer dropped from more than 3m onto his head.

Waiheke landowner loses zoning battle
Waiheke's biggest landowner has lost a challenge over the zoning on parts of its holdings on the island's eastern tip and on a nearby island.

Crane left in disabled park for two hours
The manager of PlaceMakers Waiheke has apologised after a crane was left parked in one of the store's disabled parks for two hours.

Waiheke reserve protested
A marine reserve around Waiheke Island beaches could lead to the kind of crowding that occurs at Goat Island, residents opposed to the plan say.

Nicole Johaenntgen: Music to touch the people
Visiting German saxophonist Nicole Johaenntgen clearly doesn't have time for narrow-minded jazz purists.

Scrap over Waiheke zoning
Waiheke's biggest landowner is challenging zoning classifications on parts of its holdings on the island's eastern tip in the Stony Batter Historic Reserve war fortifications vicinity.

New $35m supermarket for Waiheke
Waiheke Island is getting a large new Countdown to replace the existing small shop.