Latest fromWages and Salaries

Council salary rises ease off
The rise in pay packets for Auckland Council's top brass has slowed this year, according to a Herald survey.

Fonterra's Spierings asks for pay freeze
Fonterra's chief executive has asked for a freeze on his $4m salary.

Kiwis shun 10pc bonus for smaller pay rise
Most New Zealanders would take a small pay rise rather than gamble on getting a bigger performance bonus.

Counting the cost of going back to work
When nurse Sara Jones' paid parental leave ends eight weeks from now, she and husband Gareth face a serious dilemma.

Boys paid more for chores than girls
Chores such as loading the dishwasher and setting the table are good pocket money earners for Kiwi kids - but a survey has found boys get paid more for them.

Cathy Quinn: Governance matters. So does fair pay
Monday's Herald published the results of the Institute of Directors' survey of directors on remuneration.

Airport execs leave after review
Two of Auckland Airport's highest ranking execs are leaving the company after a strategic review, which included pay levels.

Selwyn Village targeted by living wage campaign
Auckland's Anglican Church-owned Selwyn Village is being targeted by living wage campaigners at a public meeting in Pt Chevalier tomorrow night.

Time out refreshes career
Pushing "pause" on her career has reignited property specialist Gail Calder's passion for her work, but it took her friends by surprise.

CEO pay: The decade of rising rewards
Pay is up at the top of NZ's biggest companies, but are profits keeping pace? Hamish Fletcher checks the long-term trend.

Tech firm bosses in top pay range
The average pay for the chiefs of New Zealand's top listed technology companies has jumped.

Bosses' pay up 230pc in decade
Meet the marathon men, who have enjoyed steady rises in remuneration year on year.

Solid diversity change yet to be seen: EY partner
Susan Doughty says although diversity is being embraced, we are yet to see concrete change at the top of our organisations.

What NZ bosses earn
Interactive: CEO Pay Survey - We reveal what bosses of New Zealand's biggest companies earn and what kind of pay rises they've been getting.

Female breadwinners dwindle
Married-couple, child-rearing families with male sole-breadwinners are five times more prevalent than those with female sole-breadwinners.

Companies can 'fix' pay gap - Google exec
To stop perpetuating the gender pay gap, companies need to stop asking "What's your salary history" to prospective employees.

Gender pay gap: Is this why?
Research finds three new facts that show how much pay still differs for men and women - even at the very top.

Half of bosses planning salary freezes
More than half of company bosses are planning to freeze salaries this year, but skilled finance and accounting professionals are more likely to get a boost in pay.

Huge income tax shake-up proposed
The Government is considering the biggest shake-up of one of the building blocks of the income tax system since its introduction in 1957.

Workers in limbo as bosses earn more
Many employees have been waiting too long for a pay increase, says Sam Huggard, secretary of the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions.

CEO bonuses no guarantee of growth
Paying chief executives big performance bonuses worth millions of dollars doesn't necessarily result in gains for shareholders, according to new research.

Deborah Hill Cone: Let's turn focus to women's pay
The broadcaster Alison Mau wrote a piece at the weekend about what she called "The curse of casual sexism".

Gen X: Who's the wealthiest?
Generation X New Zealanders who have a stable partner and have left the country are richer than those who are single and still living here, research shows.

Sabin included in salary payout
Former MPs including Mike Sabin are set to get a taxpayer-funded 5.5 per cent backdated pay rise.

Brian Fallow: Some productivity gains flowing to labour as well as capital in NZ
The belief is taking root, especially in the United States, that a historic decoupling has occurred between growth in labour productivity and workers' incomes.

Cisco NZ unit lifts sales 4.3%
Cisco Systems New Zealand, the local unit of the global internet network group, lifted annual sales 4.3 per cent last year, and expects to be well placed this year as an increasing number of firms....