Up in smoke: PM stubs out Winston Peters' plans to cut tobacco tax
NZ First leader wants to see cigarettes taxes decrease and more funding for prevention.
NZ First leader wants to see cigarettes taxes decrease and more funding for prevention.
NZ in its first recession in 11 years.
Former broadcaster Jenny Marcroft shunted down to 17th place on the party list.
Figures from Stats NZ show the country is officially in a recession.
Issues raised at question time included Agenda 21, Bill Gates and totalitarian world govt.
The funding approved for the Green School will be turned into a commercial loan.
National leader gives us her take after the first week of hitting the campaign trail
COMMENT: Seymour has taken aim at the fripperies in spending plans. Does he have a point?
National says yesterday's Prefu numbers were 'catastrophic and dreadful'.
ZB debate: The 'no' campaign has been accused of using misinformation in its advertising.
Whether young people would use more cannabis was a hot topic during a debate on the October 17 referendum to make recreational cannabis legal.
Newstalk ZB's Heather du Plessis-Allan is hosting a cannabis referendum debate.
COMMENT: The books are terrifying, on paper.
Tax can be confusing – it seems to have its own special language. So let's clear that up.
Winston Peters describes the numbers as a 'wake-up call for New Zealanders'.
Should Whanganui's wealthy be taxed more? Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Unemployment estimates have been significantly revised downwards.
GST returns on new developments estimated to boost council budgets by $2.5 billion.
National's new health policy, includes 'primary care navigators' for general practices.
Half of kids expelled from schools are Māori, matching the Māori share of prisoners.
Wiki Mulholland is dying of breast cancer and trying to make each moment count.
TOP candidate Abe Gray wants cannabis legalised; Act's Brooke van Velden backs euthanasia.
COMMENT: Four parties in Parliament offer nothing but borrowing and spending.
Disgraced former National MP announced this morning that he won't be standing in Botany.
Peters also again took aim at Labour, calling them the 'other side' in a speech.
Caught between a wall of Labour support and an angry fringe, what's National to do?
Treasury will tomorrow open its books, giving NZ a look at the state of Govt coffers.
Tax and debt: Is Labour as guilty of 'misinformation' as they accuse National of being?
The extra $30m is on top of the $100m a year for Kiwi kids' oral health.
"I think it's great - I hope it becomes a trend," says flattered Collins.