Why Ann Shelton's photos are not just pretty pictures
Ann Shelton's photographs have hidden histories. Kim Knight talks to the artist ahead of an exhibition spanning 20 years of her work.
Ann Shelton's photographs have hidden histories. Kim Knight talks to the artist ahead of an exhibition spanning 20 years of her work.
Outstanding sculpture show raises money from Women's Refuge.
A new two-storey gallery will span the fourth and fifth floor of the museum.
They say a stitch in time saves nine - that's the hope for a group of Auckland prisoners.
One of New Zealand’s most acclaimed photographers, Marti Friedlander has passed away.
Family links found in Auckland Art Gallery's Lindauer exhibition.
The winners of New Zealand's premier ceramic art competition have been named.
Ceramic artist John Parker's stunning book encompasses 50 years of his work.
Opotiki Artist Jamie Boynton has unveiled his latest work, at Waiotahe Valley School centenary celebrations. The artwork reflects Mr Boynton's personal to uncover his identity, a mix of Maori and Pakeha heritage. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Short films combine dance and personal stories to share performers' life-changing moments.
Wild, rhetorical and witty painting - Dick Frizzell show proves why he's one of our best painters.
Sea calmly meets sky in Stanley Palmer's mature and masterly images.
Corporate art collections unlocked during Artweek tours.
A new exhibition details the wealth of work and talent of New Zealand's prolific portraitist, Gottfried Lindauer.
TJ McNamara finds an exhibition which breaks the mould of an artist's former works
Babs Tarr rose to comic book stardom in part for her ability to draw women who are badasses. After helping redesign classic DC Comics character Batgirl, Tarr knew right away that Barbara Gordon wouldn't be the last tough heroine she'd draw.
Freeing the Memory is one of the large standout images on display at Artweek.
My most memorable and rewarding travel "Hit" is my most recent trip to India as part of the Painted Peacock Project.
Producing good food is certainly an art, but can food be art? That's what artist Tiffany Singh and chef Ed Verner have explored in a rare collaboration.
Ponsonby identity Sam Ford has returned from 17 years at London's Tate and National Galleries where his work tin restoration led him to design and construct fine furniture.
Help yourself to a sizeable pinch of salt before watching this clip, shot in Melbourne, that purports to show secretive graffiti artist Banksy at work.
Reuben Paterson's work Ki te Aroha e Ipo goes under the hammer tonight to raise money for the Taranaki Women's refuge.
Glen Innes art gallery director Gary Silipa led a double life as a computer network engineer during the day and illegal graffiti artist at night until his addictions got the better of him.
Art critic and writer Anthony Byrt explains his passion for contemporary art.
More than 1000 artists, in 100 venues across Auckland, want you to join them for Artweek.
Wellington artist Shannon Te Ao has won this year's Walters Prize, taking home a $50,000 cheque.