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Review: Gran Turismo 5
Kazunori Yamauchi has a well-deserved reputation as a man of vision. The creator of the holy grail of racing games and head of Polyphony Digital, he redefined a gaming genre.

Kinect is the new Xbox, says Microsoft
Microsoft is not considering an imminent launch of a next-generation Xbox, saying Kinect is effectively the company's new console.

Kinect will 'create new gaming genres' says top developer
A leading games developer has expressed surprise that some publishers appear sceptical about the potential of Microsoft's Kinect for Xbox 360.

Game Review: <i>Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit</i>
The Need for Speed series has been feeling a bit stale of late, and while this title is still an old concept, it's a far superior game to anything that came before it.

Black Ops: On interactive duty
"I'd rather see some guy whacking someone in at least a quasi-historically correct setting," says the military adviser behind the popular Call of Duty videogame franchise.

Online movie library set for the 'killer app'
The PS3's new on-demand movie service isn't just a shop, says its founder, but a "social recommendation engine for film."

Game Review: Medal of Honor
According to our Minister of Defence, this is a videogame nasty.

Game Review: Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions
Games based on superhero and movie licenses have been hit-and-miss projects for developers for donkey's years.

Video game, TV violence 'causes aggression'
Watching violent TV programmes or video games does make teenage boys more prone to aggressive behaviour, a study shows.

Gran Turismo 5 delayed...again
Will we ever see Gran Turismo 5? The long-awaited driving simulator for PlayStation should still be released by Christmas, says SCE.

Review: Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock
Is Chad Kroeger a warrior of rock? No he isn't. Neither are many on the massive setlist for the latest Guitar Hero release - which this time comes with a wholly dubious "Quest" mode.

Review: <i>Dead Rising 2</i>
Capcom has reprised its acclaimed Dead Rising with another meaty zombie-fest, following ex-motocross racer Chuck Greene as he dispatches hundreds of nasty brain suckers.