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Game Review: Lego Stars Wars 3 - The Clone Wars
Lego Stars Wars 3 - The Clone Wars is based on the animated telly series, and puts players into a tried-and-true formula of good laughs, huge amounts of gameplay and the need to almost endlessly revisit levels to complete collectable goals.

Nintendo 3DS: Handy new dimension
Nintendo has taken its DS handheld into the future with 3D gaming - and without the need for stupid glasses.

Guitar heroics with strings attached
Guitar games are about to embrace real instruments, reports Matt Greenop

Game Review: Bulletstorm
Violence in videogames - particularly first-person shooters - has started to get a bit "samey" of late. But the much-hyped Bulletstorm takes the tried and true formula and puts an addictive arcade spin on it.

Game review: Killzone 3
Killzone 3 picks up where the last chapter left off - about as far up the proverbial creek as a hardcore galactic grunt can get.

Friendly fire incident - Britain turns on its game industry
The British government has fragged its own games industry - tax changes could shrink it by a massive 24 per cent.

LA Noire: In frame for underworld game
Matt Greenop has met the future of gaming - it's got a shady past.

Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 1
With a host of videogames - some good, some very not good - behind it, the money-printing Harry Potter franchise should really have tried to go out with a bang.

The year's game changers
Every single house with kids had at least one electronic device used for video games. 2010 marked the year the gaming world spread its wings. Matt Greenop looks back on the year's technological advances.

Review: World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
The long-awaited WoW upgrade 'Cataclysm' is out - but is the new addition to this wildly successful online monster worth the wait?

Game Review: <i>Tron: Evolution</i>
Rating: 1/5. Verdict: Evolution is like a sub-par platform game from the long-dead 16-bit era. Instead of wasting $100 here, fund a night at the movies and experience Tron as it should be.

Game Review: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
If the point is to put the full power of The Force into the player's hands, then The Force Unleashed II is a success. If the point is to hold your attention for longer than a weekend, this one could be forcing it.

Are social games a waste of time and money?
They're the gaming equivalent of washing the dishes. Nevertheless, these games cleverly keep people playing and crucially, spending money.