Latest fromVideo Games

Games and the real world
A study into muscle movements in teen gamers may shed light on links between violent video games and real life aggression.

Trailer: Disney InfinityMarvel Super Heroes
Marvel Super Heroes like The Hulk and Captain America are coming to Disney Infinity's toy box game on Playstation 3 and Xbox later this year.

Game review: 2014 Fifa World Cup Brazil
Like every Disney movie has its own Lego set, every major sports tournament has its own game.

PS4's DriveClub gets new trailer, release date
PlayStation 4's much-delayed racing game DriveClub will be out on October 8, Sony has announced.

The Last of Us to be remastered for PS4
It’s official: The Last of Us is coming to the PlayStation 4 this winter.

Violent games don't make you aggressive, difficult ones do
A new study into the links between video games and violence has suggested that it is the difficulty of the game and not its content that leads to players feeling aggressive.

Titanfall: Attack of the droids
Much-hyped Xbox One game Titanfall has temendous appeal and plenty riding on its release, developer Vince Zampella tells Chris Schulz.

Endgame for online addicts
James Driver played a video game 16 hours a day for two years. Now he's trying to help other addicts kick the habit.