<i>The Arrival</i> wins six awards at the Chapman Tripps
The Arrival was the big winner at the Chapman Tripp Wellington Theatre Awards which were handed out last night.
The Arrival was the big winner at the Chapman Tripp Wellington Theatre Awards which were handed out last night.
A team of Victoria University researchers has won New Zealand's most valuable science prize for developing technology that is earning millions of dollars.
TV One's New York correspondent Tim Wilson might have spent much of the last decade reporting some of the world's biggest stories but somehow he's found time to write his first novel, too. Stephen Jewell spoke to him in New York.
Plans for a Kiwi bach that generates more power than it uses are on display next week as the nation's universities showcase to business their latest innovations.
Fatherhood can be the key to transforming anti-social young men into responsible citizens, according to new research.
The govt-appointed Welfare Working Group will consider unemployment insurance among options for reforming the social security system.
Dylan Horrocks, author of newly published graphic novel Hicksville, said he grew up in two places: In New Zealand and in comics.