Trump Jr says Obama lifted his RNC quote
Trump Jr says Obama plagiarised his quote, but not before he borrowed it from Obama and both president Bushes
Trump Jr says Obama plagiarised his quote, but not before he borrowed it from Obama and both president Bushes
Barack Obama has offered his support for Hillary Clinton at the DNC saying "there has never been anybody more qualified to serve as president".
Trump has a two-point lead in a poll for likely presidency for the first time since early May and other indicators have been in a downtrend for Clinton.
Comedian Sarah Silverman was left red-faced at the Democratic National Convention today as part of the crowd turned on her.
In both theme and target audience, Trump offered a powerful echo of Richard Nixon almost 50 years ago.
COMMENT: Melania said the Trumps will bring kindness, love and compassion to the White House.
Rage? Rancor? Violence? That wasn't the situation when about 2000 Clevelanders joined hands at the Hope Memorial Bridge.
COMMENT: After the attack in Nice, Donald Trump was able to promote his idea of banning Muslims in the United States.
America's New Black Panther Party has upped tensions in the US race debate by vowing to openly carry guns at next week's Republican convention in Cleveland, Ohio.
Outspoken United States Supreme Court judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg's joke about moving to New Zealand if Donald Trump becomes president has embroiled her in controversy back home.
COMMENT: Muslims are finding themselves unwelcome in certain areas. Especially since Donald Trump began suggesting that America ban all Muslims.
For at least the fifth time, Trump's Twitter account had shared a meme from the racist "alt-right" and offered no explanation why.
Who's opposed to the Trans Pacific Partnership ? Right wing US Presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Hillary Clinton has secured an unlikely but powerful wingwoman. And she's just gone to town on Republican rival Donald Trump.
Clinton's top State Department aide added a major Clinton Foundation donor to a national security board despite having no experience.
COMMENT: Hillary Clinton strode out with just a bit of upper-middle-aged swag.
COMMENT: When it comes to the general election, Hillary will have no need to labour her gender.
It had been billed as Bernie Sanders' big day in Washington. Making a last stand as a presidential candidate, he was set to meet Obama and other Democrats.
She's making history - but not in the way Helen Clark has had to.
Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton stepped out in Brooklyn, declaring that her primary wins have helped make history as she becomes the first female nominee of a major political party. Source: AP
Observers trying to understand Trump's rise have traditionally pointed to two separate but equal drivers of his popularity: economic and racial anxieties.
Hillary Clinton has been part of the United States' national consciousness for so long that it is easy to forget how far she has pushed the edges.
A growing number of Republican lawmakers and strategists fear that Trump's remarks about minorities and his unorthodox strategy have imperiled his campaign.
COMMENT: Four months of primaries turn out Clinton versus Trump. America has 350 million people - is that the best it can do?
Republican Donald Trump slammed Hillary Clinton's speech on foreign policy that she delivered on Thursday. Trump called Clinton unpresidential and hard to watch. He also compared her to Sominex, claiming her speeches can put people to sleep.
Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking may have a good grasp of the workings of the universe, but he says he can't understand Donald Trump's popularity. Hawking told ITV that he has no explanation for the likely GOP president nominee's success.