<i>Paul Holmes</i>: Out of touch, way out of line
They have something in common, Chris Carter and the Manurewa Cosmopolitan Club - they both keep digging when they're deep in the hole.
They have something in common, Chris Carter and the Manurewa Cosmopolitan Club - they both keep digging when they're deep in the hole.
Hollywood studios are trying to halt the trading of "box office futures", which will allow speculators to bet on the success or failure of movies in the financial markets.
Barack Obama needs to assure the public that the federal government is doing everything it can to limit the environmental catastrophe.
Texas is set to rewrite history, with slavery renamed the "Atlantic triangular trade" and capitalism the "free enterprise system".
New York's citizens are on high alert, with police called in to defuse a chilly bin and someone's lunch.
World shares markets have kept plunging overnight, as fears about Greece's debt problems fail to subside.
Pakistan's Taleban chief promised attacks on major US cities in a video released after the failed car bomb attempt in New York, a monitoring group said.
Fisherman and seafaring residents of the Louisiana shoreline despair as a vast oil slick approaches.
Questions are sure to be raised about a self-policing system that trusted a commercial oil operator to take care of its own mishap.