<i>Gwynne Dyer:</i> When the military's out of step with its masters
General Stanley McChrystal deserved to be fired as the United States commander in Afghanistan, writes Gwynne Dwyer.
General Stanley McChrystal deserved to be fired as the United States commander in Afghanistan, writes Gwynne Dwyer.
Two words on journalist Michael Hasting's initial pitch to trail Stanley McChrystal appear to have tickled his PR staff's fancy: Rolling Stone.
They called it the "Death Star" because according to one source "you could just reach out with a finger and eliminate" somebody.
With the appointment of David Petraeus, Obama has sent a clear signal that the US' existing strategy will continue.
Hollywood studios are trying to halt the trading of "box office futures", which will allow speculators to bet on the success or failure of movies in the financial markets.
Barack Obama needs to assure the public that the federal government is doing everything it can to limit the environmental catastrophe.
Kabul/Houston - British Prime Minister David Cameron offered on Thursday to help deal with BP Plc's Gulf of Mexico oil spill, saying he would take it up with US President Barack Obama, as the beleaguered company's shares rebounded from 14-year lows.
Texas is set to rewrite history, with slavery renamed the "Atlantic triangular trade" and capitalism the "free enterprise system".
In 1998, a hacker told Congress he could bring down the internet in 30 minutes by exploiting a certain flaw - and it's still not fixed.
New York's citizens are on high alert, with police called in to defuse a chilly bin and someone's lunch.