Latest fromUniversity of Otago

Graphic warnings deter young smokers - study
Graphic images of the adverse health effects of smoking do deter young adult smokers and should be significantly increased in size, NZ research has found.

Alcohol cheaper to buy than water - study
Alcohol has become so affordable that it is cheaper than bottled water and approaching the price of milk, says a study made public today.

Reductil to be axed over health risks
A review of the weight loss drug found the risks to patients outweighed the benefits, Medsafe's principal clinical advisor said today.

Otago scientists isolate fast-moving atom
Four University of Otago researchers are believed to be the first to isolate and photograph the Rubidium 85 atom.

Stone age man
Standing on snakes and having trees fall on him are all in a day's work for the archaeologist who's been called Auckland's Indiana Jones.

Five of the best: Art galleries
Auckland has some of the best art galleries on offer in the South Pacific.

Tobacco firm denies YouTube marketing
British American Tobacco (BAT) has denied claims it uses video-sharing website YouTube to market its products, as research released today from Otago University claimed.

Murder forcing University re-think
Universities may have to rethink their policies on staff-student relationships, following the Sophie Elliott case.

<i>Gill South</i>: To see ourselves as others see us - it isn't always a pretty sight
Criticism of NZ business can be hard to take...

Face of 2500-year-old woman revealed
NZ scientists have recreated the face of a 2500-year-old Turkish peasant with technology they hope could be used in court in coming years.

Food miles least of shoppers' worries
UK shoppers care more about the price of fresh produce than where it comes from or its environmental impact, research suggests.