Next big thing: Kiwi 3D scanner detects cancer like never before
The technology has the potential to bring $50 million per year to the New Zealand economy.
The technology has the potential to bring $50 million per year to the New Zealand economy.
Professor Mark Henaghan had stepped aside as dean at the university.
Wagers have been flying in from around the world for The Great Hihi Sperm Race.
Kiwi study shows infants that eat yoghurt are protected from developing eczema, allergies.
Active kids have less excess fat, a study has shown.
New Zealand researchers have found a better way to treat hypoglycaemia.
A Kiwi scientist's odd sperm-racing campaign could help save NZ's threatened hihi.
Olivia Wensley has inspired hundreds to share their sexual harassment stories.
Could being a man or being raised by a solo parent have an impact on your weight?
Urgency grows for proactive solutions as New Zealand's elderly population burgeons.
Snoring is the bane of many lives. A start-up company has got to grips with it.
Scientists tracking young yellow-eyed penguins awed at one intrepid bird's 470km hike.
Online melanoma questionnaire indicates whether person's risk is higher than average.
The University of Auckland will look at how land is moving on 10 slopes around the city.
The "bizarre" skit was witnessed by Otago University's dean of law, former student says.
A petition to bring back Otago Uni's annual law camp has nearly 800 signatures.
First-year students had their heads shaved, stripped to underwear and sculled alcohol.
During ancient climate change, our oceans lost their oxygen, a NZ-led study finds.
Controversial Otago University law camp cancelled following a review.
"The fact that the dean of the school was there made it seem like it was sanctioned."
Ex-student says a law faculty dean was present as students stripped in a talent quest.
The annually held law camp at the University of Otago could be cancelled.
Former law student said there were 'inappropriate conversations, caresses and carry-ons.'
University of Otago probes complaint about inappropriate behaviour at boozy camps.
Universities across the board have cut ties with Russell McVeagh.
University of Otago law student is among those said to have been targeted by the law firm.
The research indicates fast-paced media such as Spongebob does not have a harmful effect.
Universities want the Government to stump up with extra cash.
Top student's advice: stop procrastinating, understand things and get to bed early!
When you're short on money, health can go out the window through no fault of your own.