Mouldy flats caused by 'lifestyle not landlords'
Otago students win confidential settlement with their landlord over mouldy house.
Otago students win confidential settlement with their landlord over mouldy house.
Interviewees confirm pressure to drink to excess and sexual focus of many activities.
No "evidence" three-strikes law works as Government moves to repeal.
Statistics show more and more Māori and Pasifika students training to become doctors.
Only our smallest universities, Waikato and Lincoln, have lifted their rankings.
Sema Taanoa hasn't needed to turn on the heater since moving into an upgraded house.
Wellington social housing residents are at risk of more health issues due to temperature.
Student magazine Critic Te Arohi has hit back at University of Otago "censorship".
COMMENT: Readership of Otago University's student newspaper skyrocketed this week.
The Campus Watch team removed the magazines from stands around the university.
Researchers call for more to be done to understand causes of pelvic pain.
Scientists have uncovered evidence of one of the first Polynesian settlements in Aotearoa.
Research into scent-detection dogs identifying lung cancer among those to get a grant.
Zombie apocalypse preparation 'the same as for an earthquake or other natural disaster'.
Judge knows from experience the case cannot continue to court, says law professor.
An unusually shaped scientific research ship, Joides Resolution, is docked in Auckland.
Why did the chicken get crossed with the moa?
More sex crimes are being reported to police, but offenders aren't getting to court.
A sprawling check on recent Kiwi war veterans begins amid warnings of a "lost generation".
Experts have called for a new unit to oversee government-run AI predictive tools.
Researchers say we need to find out which communities will be worst hit by climate change.
Scientists have described a baleen whale that roamed our waters 27.5 million years ago.
Brooks said he welcomed a collaborative approach in educating consumers.
Researchers say labelling in supermarkets and butcheries lacks safety information.
Retailers should be doing more to highlight risks posed by fresh chicken say researchers.
NZ scientists have questioned a study's findings about the sweet potato's Pacific history.
Researchers hope digging up old bodies will reveal insights to the past.
Study may be a breakthrough for women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
The chocolate's great and so is the scenery. But our cheese? Yeah, nah.