Ihimaera to buy back copies of controversial book
Most copies of Witi Ihimaera's The Trowenna Sea, which contains plagiarised passages, are set to be taken off bookstore shelves.
Most copies of Witi Ihimaera's The Trowenna Sea, which contains plagiarised passages, are set to be taken off bookstore shelves.
Author Witi Ihimaera was last night presented with a prestigious arts award - a week after he was caught up in a plagiarism row.
Witi Ihimaera has been named an Arts Foundation laureate and will receive a $50,000 award - days after admitting plagiarism in his new book.
University vice-chancellors have been speaking to the qualifications authority about whether University Entrance standards are too low.
Many people with heart failure are getting ineffective treatment and face an increased risk of dying, a global study says. The NZ Ministry of Health agrees with the findings.
There's $3 million up for grabs to help boost NZ businesses.