<i>Ben Young:</i> Are we really digital leaders?
It's the question often thrown about, how are we doing? Do we, as everyone asks, punch above our weight?
It's the question often thrown about, how are we doing? Do we, as everyone asks, punch above our weight?
TV One's New York correspondent Tim Wilson might have spent much of the last decade reporting some of the world's biggest stories but somehow he's found time to write his first novel, too. Stephen Jewell spoke to him in New York.
Technology developed in New Zealand is being sold to overseas research labs.
Standing on snakes and having trees fall on him are all in a day's work for the archaeologist who's been called Auckland's Indiana Jones.
Auckland has some of the best art galleries on offer in the South Pacific.
The Auckland Business School's Entrepreneurs' Challenge has been whittled down to 26 companies which have a chance to win up to $1m in growth finance.
A dormitory at the University of Auckland was evacuated after a small fire this afternoon.
Fish have been found to grunt, growl and "pop" at each other, according to University of Auckland marine scientist Shahriman Ghazali.
Wine drinkers already know sauvignon blanc tastes best if chilled, and scientists have now proven keeping it on ice helps retain its flavours.