Mum's diet key to baby health
Expectant mothers' diets could be creating an obesity timebomb for their unborn children, a groundbreaking study involving New Zealand scientists has revealed.
Expectant mothers' diets could be creating an obesity timebomb for their unborn children, a groundbreaking study involving New Zealand scientists has revealed.
Climbing the walls this school holidays? Get them out climbing real ones instead at supervised walls around the region.
University of Auckland staff conditions are not under threat.
Katherine Irvine has found people from all walks of life doing what they can to contribute to the earthquake appeal.
Chris Liddell writes on the future of philanthropy and how we can get involved.
Pregnant women who eat a lot of sugar-laden food could be compromising their babies' development, new New Zealand research suggests.
Pregnant women who eat a lot of sugar-laden food could be compromising their babies' development, new New Zealand research suggests.
Couples trying for a baby may find it easier to conceive if the male takes antioxidant supplements, new research suggests.
Auckland is home to more than 50 volcanic cones and craters. Diana Clement explores just a few.
The quest may no longer be for the elixir of immortality but with an ageing population there is increased awareness of what it takes to live long and well, writes Dionne Christian.
A team of Victoria University researchers has won New Zealand's most valuable science prize for developing technology that is earning millions of dollars.
The next breakthrough in cancer treatment drugs could be helped by Timaru biotech company Symansis.
Why does BP have a hands off forecourt policy?