Fish oil or snake oil? Claims misleading
Nearly all fish oil supplements marketed in NZ contain much less of the brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids than their labels claim.
Nearly all fish oil supplements marketed in NZ contain much less of the brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids than their labels claim.
An intelligent arm brace adding extra muscle by flexing, as we do, will be created in a landmark German-Kiwi collaboration.
Angela Merkel is delivering a lecture to about 260 people at Auckland University's Maidment Theatre.
Dr Lester Levy, chairman of the Auckland and Waitemata DHBs, Auckland Transport and Professor of Leadership at the University of Auckland Business School, is only half-joking when he analyses how charismatic leaders often do more harm than good in Sarah Stuart’s 12 Questions.
Kaj Storbacka - Professor - Markets and Strategy, University of Auckland Business School.
Technology companies helping bring content to life reigned supreme at the University of Auckland Business School Entrepreneurs' Challenge.
Jonathan Mason - Adjunct Professor, University of Auckland Business School.
More than half a century lies between them, but the youngest and oldest students graduating from the University of Auckland both have a secret.
Michelle Dickinson says the field of nanotechnology is going to experience huge growth in the coming years, and will affect most areas of our lives.
A team of Auckland University students this month won first place in the innovation category of the Microsoft Imagine Cup for their meeting app, Estimeet.