Kiwi researchers hope to detect rheumatic fever earlier
Each year, around 160 New Zealanders die from rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease.
Each year, around 160 New Zealanders die from rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease.
Foreign students may now prefer Australia, which has nine universities in the top 200.
"Over time as these resistant bacteria become more common they will cause deaths."
Examinations without consent are a disciplinary matter, says health commissioner.
Some of the US tech giant's most sophisticated R&D is taking place in NZ.
New university data indicates circumstances you're born into are likely yours for life.
Three of the country's biggest universities are handing out hardship grants.
Girls outperform boys at schools, but that does not always turn into better jobs and pay.
Schools are competing for a handful of teacher trainees qualified to teach te reo Māori.
Symposium about diet-related disease starts in Wellington tomorrow.
Influence of fake trials will sadly continue to influence people for decades to come.
New research reveals combining existing drugs to better treat melanoma
Fed Farmers' dairy chairman gets two 2L bottles of milk for $6 at his local Waikato dairy.
UE pass rates have dropped, but those who get through are doing better at university.
Kiwi scientists may have found a way to accurately calculate death days before it happens.
Architects were likely constrained by a community driven to resist major intensification.
A Kiwi physics experiment has managed to do what decades of international research hasn't.
How much internet is too much internet? A Kiwi researcher is aiming to find out.
Brash will lead a debate against Herald writers Simon Wilson and Fran O'Sullivan.
University's call adds fuel to free speech debate in New Zealand.
Scientists have found promise in a new pest-busting approach in a one-two punch of 1080.
Aucklanders could get as little as five days' warning of a major volcanic eruption.
Auckland DHB has been criticised for changes to sexual health services.
Family of a former Catholic priest and self-confessed paedophile said they had no idea.
Deaths of babies in an overseas trial prompts review of similar trial here.
A priest who admitted to sex abuse is suspected of abusing dozens of children.
COMMENT: What will the legal landscape look like in 2038? Here are my predictions.
Experts say our problem with binge-drinking is to blame.
Christianity's spread across the Pacific offers valuable insights into human behaviour.
They're ambitious and confident, but also financially literate and realistic.