Clark knows Putin best out of P5 leaders
Helen Clark says she knows Vladimir Putin the best out of the leaders among the leaders of the Security Council's Permanent five members
Helen Clark says she knows Vladimir Putin the best out of the leaders among the leaders of the Security Council's Permanent five members
'I think we now have some interesting opportunities for developing trade between UK and New Zealand,' says Theresa May.
Controversial trade deal a massive opportunity for US, says Key.
A free trade deal between New Zealand and the GCC was concluded in 2009 but has not been signed or ratified.
John Key and Helen Clark are stepping up their sales pitch to advance Clark as a strong and independent candidate for United Nations Secretary-General.
Helen Clark says her aim is to still be standing before the "shoot-out at the OK Corral" takes place over the next UN Secretary General.
Afghanistan has shot back at New Zealand after Foreign Affairs Minister made stinging remarks about its government at the United Nations Security Council.
Gerard van Bohemen, NZ's Ambassador to the UN, announces "appropriate measures" aimed at Pyongyang being developed after 'insane' nuclear threat.
Former Prime Minister Helen Clark says she will remain in the contest to be the next Secretary General after a slight improvement in her results in the fourth straw poll.
Small developing states in the Pacific have traditionally relied on imports of fossil fuels.
Exclusive: Helen Clark has vowed to fight on as she plans the next phase of her campaign to become Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Helen Clark has today polled exactly the same votes as she did in the second round of the Security Council's votes for the UN Secretary General job.
Key says Russia is not being duplicitous in any way with New Zealand in the position it is taking with the UN Secretary General.
COMMENT: As Key has pointed out publicly, Clark's abilities are widely acknowledged; her trouble is that she doesn't have a champion among the P5.
COMMENT: Claire Trevett assesses New Zealand's term at the UN's top table.
New Zealand hopes of a breakthrough in Syria during its Presidency of the Security Council next month will be a tough ask if a debate in the Security Council on Monday was anything to go by.
In a world in which 'sweeteners' are often put on the table as currency for votes, New Zealand's team on the UN Security Council has taken it literally.
You would have thought he was stating the bleedingly obvious by saying it's time a woman was at the centre of the world's diplomatic stage.
COMMENT: Helen Clark has plenty of things consider as she contemplates the next step in the contest to lead the United Nations.
Helen Clark is thought to be considering whether to withdraw from the contest to become the next UN Secretary General.
Helen Clark says she is disappointed with the result of the latest UN Secretary General ballot.
The United Nations Security Council will hold its second secret ballot in its selection process for a new Secretary General to replace Ban Ki Moon.
Kevin Rudd says Australia Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's rejection of Rudd's bid to be UN Secretary General was a breach of faith and would damage Turnbull internationally.
Both Maori Party co-leaders expressed support for Helen Clark's bid for the United Nation's top job - before the party decided it could not support the application.
Dame Tariana Turia says she backs Helen Clark in her bid to be Secretary General despite opposition to it from the Maori Party she founded.
As Helen Clark's bid to become UN Secretary General reaches a delicate stage, one of New Zealand political parties breaks ranks to oppose her.
A Liberal MP says former Australian PM did not deserve the top job at the UN.
Helen Clark says she is ready for the biggest challenge of her political career - trying to secure the United Nation's most powerful job.