Bruce Cotterill: After six months is the Government on the right track?
OPINION: Momentum is on the rise, but plenty more to do.
OPINION: Momentum is on the rise, but plenty more to do.
EDITORIAL: New unemployment figures are to be released next week.
Documents suggest the loss of nearly 600 roles at the Ministry of Education.
It is the latest department to announce job cuts as part of Govt's cost-cutting measures.
Data from Seek shows job ad volumes continue to fall, albeit at a slower rate in March.
Meet the employers who can't get workers despite the recession.
The PSA says jobs would be cut from airports and counter-terrorism teams.
The MBIE is considering axing one of only two senior fire engineers in the country.
OPINION: With the dire need to cut costs, agencies should have to justify why they exist.
Nearly 2000 jobs have gone or are set to go.
Unemployment remains low by historic standards but job losses still hurt.
The PSA is concerned women are bearing the brunt of cuts at the commission.
More than 1300 jobs are facing the chop from government departments so far.
A number of job reductions have been due to stop-work notices.
OPINION: True leaders stand up for the rights and dignity of all individuals.
Today, Warner Bros. Discovery has confirmed it still can't make Newshub work.
It's the latest agency to target jobs as a way to meet govt's directed cost savings.
Staff fear 'reset' to be announced Monday will mean big job cuts at Callaghan Innovation.
OPINION: We are living in the consequences of decisions made by human beings.
Christopher Luxon got a flu vaccine and a roasting from Opposition parties.
The telco's technology team has been restructured.
The company is planning to streamline its product range.
'We need to continue to make hard decisions about our future,' NZ Post's boss said.
Labour's Chris Hipkins has given his first major speech as Opposition leader.
OPINION: Funding tax cuts this year means deeper cuts with little economic benefit.
OPINION: Govt books need knocking into shape before they dish out inflationary tax cuts.
Officials at the centre of this week's job losses say services will be impacted.
Fed Farmers understands the "economic reality" of cuts, but worries about vital services.
The window between Easter and school holidays was decided the best time to inform staff.
The ministry had previously confirmed 111 voluntary redundancies were accepted.