Latest fromUnemployment
What we need is a MAXIMUM wage
The wages which need to be reduced are those of the CEOs and other high-level management positions, writes Ryan Wood. "A maximum wage also has a trickle-down effect."
Bryan Gould: Workers bear burden of cost cutting and lower wages
The Government takes the view that the remedy is in the hands of the unemployed themselves; they can correct the situation by accepting lower wages, writes Bryan Gould.
Jobs forcing Kiwi flight
Thousands of young New Zealanders are leaving for Australia because of a failing job market, says Labour's finance spokesman David Parker.
Editorial: Jobs with a future needed
This month's toll of job losses is striking - but it's a reflection of a slowing of the Chinese economy. It's time to look for jobs that have a future.
Fraud mum 'did it for the kids'
A woman who admitted falsely claiming more than $90,000 in benefits said she wanted security for her children.
Mine work still drawcard for Kiwis
Plenty of work in Perth CBD and in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
Brian Fallow: Fate of youth gloomiest stat of all
Brian Fallow on youth unemployment following recent announcements of lay-offs and redundancies.
$78b for a lifetime of benefits - report
A new report shows all people who were receiving a benefit from June last year would cost a total of $78 billion over their life-times if they stayed on a benefit.