Uber drivers taken to court by NZTA
The New Zealand Transport Agency has issued no-drive notices to Uber drivers operating with serious medical conditions.
The New Zealand Transport Agency has issued no-drive notices to Uber drivers operating with serious medical conditions.
Uber drivers are considering court action after a ruling in the UK classed drivers as employees, not contractors.
The NZTA would not expand this week on its legal advice about including Uber as a second party in prosecutions of unlawful drivers.
NZTA has banned its staff from using Uber during work time or claiming Uber rides on expenses.
Halloween isn't for another month, but these creepy Uber drivers are showing up on the ride-sharing app in China.
Steven Hill, whose book takes a critical look at Uber, sees bad things ahead for the ride-sharing giant.
Almost 700 Christchurch drivers have been given warnings for illegally driving or planning to drive for Uber.
Auckland Transport is working with Uber in an attempt to ease the city's traffic woes. Documents released to the Herald on Sunday
Uber has launched a new ride-sharing system catering to commuters who drive into work.
Uber says subsidies for its drivers are responsible for the majority of its losses globally.
Ford says its vision of a driverless Uber is only five years away.
Volvo and Uber have joined forces to develop autonomous driving cars. What does this mean for its drivers?
The Brisbane grandmother offers young women a safe, reliable ride home.
Uber is asking London judges to decide whether it's legal to require its drivers from non-English speaking countries to pass an exam.
COMMENT: If Uber can't abide by New Zealand's rules, it shouldn't be allowed to play the game.
Behind the scenes, these are the people who bridge China and the United States.
Uber, the online hailing service that has shaken up the taxi industry throughout the world, has run foul of the industry's regulators
COMMENT: Censuses are necessary and valuable tools, but the public has to have confidence in them.
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Uber used controversial and complicated international tax structures to reduce its NZ tax bill to around that of an average Kiwi worker, records show.
Uber drivers across the US are getting an extra pair of eyes on their driving - thanks to new technology scoring them on excessive braking and phone use while driving.
COMMENT: The marketing Uber uses to disrupt the grip taxi companies have on a city is to present itself as a Robin Hood in the struggle against outdated urban regulators.
Christchurch taxi drivers have hit the streets today in protest of global ride-share giant Uber.