Latest FromTurkey

US air strikes fail to stop Isis advancing

US air strikes fail to stop Isis advancing

Isis is close to capturing the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobane, just a short distance from the Turkish border, after a three-week siege in which US air strikes turned out to be ineffective in preventing the militants from winning an important victory.

The Asklepion of Pergamon, Turkey

The Asklepion of Pergamon, Turkey

Built as a sanctuary to honour Asklepios, the Greek god of medicine and healing whose trademark snake and staff are the well-known international symbols of modern medicine today, the Asklepion's magnificent ruins are near the present-day Turkish city of Bergama.

Bar/fly: Turkey

Bar/fly: Turkey

The average Turkish bartender's concept of a G&T is - take one beer glass. Fill with cheap Serbian gin. Add slice of lemon. Cut with finger of tonic - unless it's already overflowing the beer glass.