Damien Grant: Let's just trade, it's fairer
Damien Grant asks: Why can we buy Fair Trade coffee but not Fair Trade electronics?
Damien Grant asks: Why can we buy Fair Trade coffee but not Fair Trade electronics?
After a gruelling three-month journey, transtasman kayaker Scott Donaldson faces a battle against the wind to reach New Zealand.
Two St John managers have been suspended from work after an investigation was made into claims they used an ambulance vehicle to taxi them home after a night out drinking.
Free to air TV networks are holding urgent talks with Hollywood studios after revelations Slingshot is offering easy internet access to shows they have paid for.
National MP Maggie Barry has revealed that Rolf Harris groped her during a radio interview she was hosting in the 1980s.
Air New Zealand’s first 787 Dreamliner touches down next week. Grant Bradley reports on the airline’s high hopes for its revolutionary new plane.
Up to 600 new apartments, townhouses and duplexes in 17 blocks, six to nine levels high, are planned in the now open areas around Wynyard Quarter.
Sport betting's top executive left his $1 million job for "personal and family" reasons, saying the commute between Auckland and Wellington affected his health and family life.
The moa were driven to extinction due to human activities - over-hunting and habitat destruction. Here are 10 other animals mankind has wiped out.
New forensic imaging techniques are being used to solve the mystery of the final resting place of Amelia Earhart, whose plane vanished over the Pacific in 1937.
Rachel Grunwell chats with a professor, psychologist, meditation coach and a sufferer about this inner turmoil.
At first blush, the increased visibility of sexual minorities in popular culture would appear to reflect a growing openness and acceptance of non-heterosexual forms of sexuality.
The streaker who was crash-tackled during an All Blacks match last month for a $500 bet has broken even today after being fined $500 at court.
Tim Alpe was climbing the ranks at Tourism Holdings Ltd when he and younger brother Dan came up with an idea to launch a backpacker-focused car rental business.
A lucky Kiwi punter managed to make more than $50,000 from yesterday’s Football World Cup matches.
A luxurious penthouse apartment that is double the size of some houses is expected to sell for millions.
NZ is the only non-European country to make the top 10 of the 'Good Country Index' which measures 125 countries on how they give to the world's 'greater good'.
Jilted lovers who post "revenge pornography" could face prosecution, UK ministers said yesterday, as they warned that the practice is becoming increasingly common.
Women are becoming increasingly prominent in tech company white hat roles, reflecting the rising profiles of women throughout the security-technology industry.
When Hessy Taft was six months old, she was a poster child for the Nazis. Her photograph was the image of the ideal Aryan baby, and was distributed as party propaganda.
A controversial scientist has deliberately created a pandemic strain of flu that can evade the human immune system.
He wined and dined her, even asked her to marry him. Then one day she woke up and he was gone - with all her belongings. One woman's wary tale of love.