Toby Manhire: A beginner's guide to NZ politics
As we draw closer to the election, again to be contested under New Zealand's proportional electoral system, here is a crib sheet: the state of the parties with 57 days to go.
As we draw closer to the election, again to be contested under New Zealand's proportional electoral system, here is a crib sheet: the state of the parties with 57 days to go.
The first trailer for Fifty Shades of Grey sent the internet into paroxysms this afternoon, with conversation being 5% portrayal of women, 10% Beyonce soundtrack, 15 % "squeeeeee" and 70% Jamie Dornan's torso.
A quick bite of the best of the action from day one at the Glasgow Commonwealth Games.
As they posed for a celebratory selfie to mark their first win in the Commonwealth Games, these two Australian hockey players probably didn't think their day could get any better.
Te reo has paved the way for careers in journalism for two sets of Kiwi siblings who work on opposing Maori news shows.
Auckland's flash new electric trains have been grounded by power faults which are mystifying the region's transport authority.
Outgoing National MP Claudette Hauiti admits using her parliamentary charge card to buy petrol for her personal car in a further breach of the rules on card use.
A video of Kiwi surfer Tim Thompson tackling a Brazilian man who dropped in on his wave has gone viral.
Barack Obama has openly questioned why Hillary Clinton would want to go through the "undignifying process" of running for the White House in 2016.
Five hotels in Paris have started allowing customers to pay however much they think their stay was worth.
My parents are from Lesbos - yeah, where lesbian came from and also Wonder Woman!
The Wellington Phoenix brought professional football back to Auckland with a bang last night, beating English Premier League side West Ham United 2-1 at Eden Park.
Nikau remains the most popular name for Maori boys born last year while Aria takes the top spot for girls from Maia.
Google has announced a surprising end to its controversial "Real Name" policy with a contrite post on Google+, telling users that there are "no more restrictions" on the names people can use.
In the agonising quest to pin down exactly what happened when Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 went down over Ukraine last week, Web archivists and other digital sleuths are playing an unusual — potentially pivotal — role.
This 27-year-old abstained from drinking booze last year and spent the money he otherwise would have spent on beer on 41 tattoos of TV's biggest beer drinker -- Homer Simpson.
Another tournament win and topping the US$1 million mark were not the only things in the bag for Kiwi golf prodigy Lydia Ko yesterday. She was also sporting new All Blacks-engraved clubs.
The immigration surge continued to gather pace last month, with the net inflow of 4270 people the second-largest monthly gain on record.
Did you know you would end up with such a fine head of hair when you set out on your hairdressing career 45 years ago?
Georgia Hageman was in bed at 4.30am when her waters broke and less than four hours later the 15-year-old Aucklander was holding her baby son.
What does the tragedy of MH17 mean for the conflict in eastern Ukraine and for Russia's relations with Europe and the US?
After 60 days and 4000km of sometimes "horrendous" Pacific Ocean seas, two women have rowed from Los Angeles to Waikiki, Hawaii, and raised money for charities.
Ten years ago, Pita Sharples - now Minister of Maori Affairs - said he wanted to see an end to mangled te reo words used in Parliament and in mainstream media broadcasts.
John Armstrong writes: If any spies from the Labour, Green or Maori parties infiltrated yesterday's Internet Mana rally, they would have come away worried.
He went inside the minds of our most dangerous prisoners, told us how to bring up our kids, and now Nigel Latta turns moral guardian in search of answers to society’s biggest problems.
The Herald on Sunday presents some "olden days" gear to a group of iGeneration kids to see if they could identify the objects.