'This land is not real estate'
Follow the tarmac under the trees and the road snakes around the cliffs away from Hicks Bay to a secret and special hidden beach.
Follow the tarmac under the trees and the road snakes around the cliffs away from Hicks Bay to a secret and special hidden beach.
'I have just found out that my employer has not been paying my KiwiSaver contributions or employer contributions.' Now what? Helen Twose tells you.
The taxpayer, rather than developers and home buyers, should pick up the bill for connecting new homes to water, sewerage and other council infrastructure, the NZ Initiative has recommended as a measure to control house prices.
Making sure pregnant mums see a doctor within 10 weeks of conception should be a national priority, say MPs working to improve children's health.
The Government will sell 20 per cent of its stake in Air New Zealand today and tomorrow. The Herald tells you the 11 things you need to know.
PM John Key says he directly asked Sri Lanka's president about abductions in the country - but is reluctant to criticise Sri Lanka because the issues 'would take time to resolve'.
As one of life's builders, Nigel Latta enjoys meeting inspirational people - and watching zombie films.
Before Michelle Goodhew started catching babies, she was catching fish.
'We thought it was just an accident, but then the second time we knew it wasn't.' Witnesses described the horror of watching a repeat hit and run in Hamilton.
I didn't do it for charity. I didn't do it just for novelty. I really did it to irritate the girl I was seeing at the time.
It was a moment of stupidity that almost cost Greg Watts his life - and made headlines around the world. We meet the man who fell from a motorised bar stool.
An unpublished photo of former president JFK minutes before his assassination sat on a desk in a Mission Bay home for 30 years.
It's been a week since a tweeted picture of Lorde and Eleanor Catton reading in bed together in New York became a world-wide hit.
A remote group of islands notorious for shipwrecks and a massive tract of land that takes in four of our national parks have been rated among the world's most important and irreplaceable protected areas.
Of all the tributes paid to Daniel Carter this week for his 100th All Black test, none will mean more to him than that made by Jimmy Cowan.
Middle-earth mania, strong marketing campaigns and economic growth are reasons for an increase in tourists from Asia and the Americas, says a new survey.
Middle-aged men appear to be the group most at risk of being killed cycling, and wearing high-visibility clothing is no guarantee of survival.
A retired policeman and a chartered accountant are among 55 New Zealanders fleeced for $1.7 million by a Malaysia-based scam.
Secret details of the United States-Pacific trade agreement have been leaked showing New Zealand in serious dispute with US negotiators on many issues.
A new privately-funded search for the missing yacht Nina is taking off this morning - more than five months since the historic yacht left Opua in the Bay of Islands.
In the second part of a Herald investigation, we look at the MPs' property rich list. The top ten MPs, what they own and why a Labour MP didn't declare her trusteeship.
Labour MP Carol Beaumont has been forced to declare her role in administering $900,000 worth of property.
A Facebook billionaire, an investment company tied to a charitable trust working with Australian Aboriginal communities, and TradeMe founder Sam Morgan are among the largest holders of Xero shares which have soared more than 500 per cent in the past year.
A coroner will hold a series of inquests into forestry workers' deaths with the aim of identifying systemic issues within the country's deadliest industry.
Skiing down the treacherous, avalanche-swept Caroline Face of Aoraki-Mt Cook has become a goal for some of the world's most highly-skilled extreme skiers.
Inspired by "the most famous tabloid photo of the decade", Herald photographer Alan Sayers slipped into a chorister's robes with his camera concealed beneath.
Prime Minister John Key says two of his top ministers would make fine future leaders but he hopes a decision on his successor would be "a long way into the future".
It wasn't until after he had taken the photo for his new book featuring people from 35 tribes from the Siberian Arctic to New Zealand that British photographer Jimmy Nelson realised who Pita Sharples was.