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Best books of the year (+infographic)
Books editor Linda Herrick and her team of reviewers reveal their top reads for all ages and tastes.

Shelley Bridgeman: Are you 'almost alcoholic'?
Some experts claim that there may be an entire spectrum of possibilities that lie between the non-alcoholic and the alcoholic state.

Kiwisaver: It pays to know what's on offer
Key things to consider when choosing where to save include risks, time to retirement, disclosure and fees.

Sport passion all in the family
People who reach the top level of their chosen sporting code need talent, commitment and the capacity for hard work. So it's hardly surprising that some Kiwi families have produced more than one star over the years.

Far better lifestyle than London
Paying the bills can be tough in NZ's biggest city, so the Herald has examined what we're paying more for and why. We look at the stories behind the prices.

Counting the high cost of living
New Zealanders pay nearly $1 more to download Lorde's hit single Royals and 50c more for a Big Mac than fans around the world.

Cost of home dream - 19 incomes
It would take 19 median incomes in Auckland to buy a home for the city's median house price, a Herald analysis has found.

Herald Editor: Sir John Kirwan
Auckland icon and New Zealand champion Sir John Kirwan is The New Zealand Herald's first guest editor in its 150-year history, he has firm ideas of what should be in the paper and online with special attention to the success of south Auckland.

TV wars make the news
In the cut-throat world of competitive television, today's darling can be ditched tomorrow. TV3's John Campbell is the critics' favourite, the new crown prince of current affairs - but that's not enough.

The day Chicago came to Auckland
Bassett Rd machinegun murders 50 years ago solved swiftly but mystery remains over one of the gunmen

Dotcom suspected FBI spied on his calls
Kim Dotcom has asked a judge to order the US to come clean on spying after a phone call glitch prompted fears he was victim to a surveillance system used by the FBI.

'My heart sank' - Cairns
Chris Cairns, speaking this evening at Auckland Airport, said he hadn't been aware of the allegations against him until today.

Match-fixing: 'I detest it' - John Morrison
Former New Zealand batsman and former Wellington councillor John Morrison said he would be very disturbed and surprised if the allegations proved to be true.

Trio under ICC probe
New Zealand great allrounder Chris Cairns is one of three players being investigated by the ICC over allegations of match fixing.

Mills: Onus now on players
NZ Cricket Players Association boss Heath Mills says match-fixing allegations make it a 'sad day' for the sport, and believes the onus is now on players to come forward.

Gap widens between NZ students
The gap between 15-year-old students who are excelling and those who are failing has widened despite the Govt's increased focus on the educational achievement "tail".

What we earn and how your pay rates
The gap between the rich and the poor appears to be widening with the number of Kiwis earning more than $100,000 increasing by nearly three quarters.

Jolt that shook the world
In downtown Tokyo, state broadcaster NHK was airing the dull debates of a Parliament night sitting when all hell broke loose.

Split at top of Destiny Church
Bishop Brian Tamaki's right-hand man has turned his back on Destiny Church to become a pastor - the latest of several high-profile departures.

Arrest follows Tauranga man's death
A man has been arrested in relation to the assault on Lance Michael Scullin in Tauranga on Saturday.

Lifejacket bylaw clears first hurdle
Auckland councillors have passed the first stage of a new bylaw to make the wearing of lifejackets compulsory in small boats.

Fatal twist: Guard shrugged off help
Lance Scullin was "always there in times of trouble", but after a violent clash with a group of youths he turned down offers of help. 12 hours later, he was dead.

New Yorkers rebound a year on
Pride and patriotism hasn't succumbed here, even in the face of lost lives and livelihoods, and the daily battle to get things back to the way they were before October 29, 2012.

Wynyard Quarter a car-free haven
A peek inside Auckland's Wynyard Quarter residences gives an idea of how the 1500-apartment precinct could look. And there's one big thing missing...

Boaties hit back at lifejacket law
A push to make the wearing of lifejackets compulsory on small boats is another case of "Nanny State" and won't reduce drownings, a boating club says.

Living with disaster: Unshakable courage after a deadly quake
'It's important to remind people how fragile life is," says the keeper of a food stall a few metres from the ghostly ruins of Xuankou Middle School.

Scientist urges 25sec alert system
One of the world's leading earthquake scientists has called on New Zealand to adopt cutting-edge technology that could give people as much as 25 seconds' warning.