Flight check: Shanghai to Auckland
Glenn Hart flies aboard flight NZ288 from Shanghai to Auckland.
Glenn Hart flies aboard flight NZ288 from Shanghai to Auckland.
Grant Bradley flies aboard Hawaiian Airlines from Honolulu to Hilo on the Big Island.
Most of us are guilty of taking photos only on phones these days.
Spend a week on the frontline of wildlife protection in Kenya.
Andrew Turley flies from Auckland to San Francisco aboard Air NZ's NZ8.
Head chef Cameron Knox and restaurant Xoong will be at this year's Taste of Auckland.
Shandelle Battersby checks into the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort & Spa.
Sophie Ryan flies aboard Air NZ's flight NZ102 from Sydney to Auckland.
Winston Aldworth checks into a hipster apartment in Berlin, booked through Airbnb.
If you're flying long haul, these options are worth splashing out on.
Stephanie Holmes visits the Fiji Airways Premier Lounge, Nadi International Airport.
Chris Rudd flies on Air Chathams' flight 3C640 from Auckland to Kapiti.
Simon Brandon gets caught in a ticket scam that lines the pockets of the Venetian Mafia
See Paul Roper's work The Temple of Involuntary Thought as part of Artweek Auckland.
Pete Evans counts down his favourite restaurants and food experiences around the world.
Grant Bradley and Estelle Sarney share insights from their debut river cruise.
Hamish Fletcher flies aboard Aircalin's flight SB411 from Auckland to Noumea.
My first cruise was aboard a remarkable, prestige ship: the Queen Mary 2.
Kiwi chef Hayden McMillan runs Etta restaurant in Brunswick East, Melbourne.
Peter de Graaf checks into the Pinnacle Holiday Lodge, Halls Gap, in Victoria.
There is a corner of the South Atlantic that is for ever British, probably.
These small-ship holidays provide a fresh take on cruising the Mediterranean.
Eli Orzessek finds the answers to your travel questions.
Eli Orzessek checks in to the Marktgasse Hotel in Zurich, Switzerland.